Page 295 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 295
PART DL Artificial silk goods arc exclusively Japanese and
arc remarkable as much for their attractive and
(A) Trade. varied patterns as for their astonishing cheapness.
General Conditions.—'There was an improvement The following table of the value for the years
1934-35 aud 1935-SG will show that a cheap brand
in import and export trade during the year under of Japanese cement is making progress against the
review. Indian Porbundar cement:—
The following comparative table shows the value
of Imports and Exports for the years 1934-35 and 1934-35. 1935-30.
1935-36 :— Indie Re. 33 Re. 413
1034-35. 1955-30. r.TJCTCA*e.
R*. Ro ll*. Japan 11,323 14,860
Import* • 36,13,710 36,3*7,835 2,24,119 Other lines in which Japanese goods predominate
Export* . 25,61,387 32,64,918 7,03,561
on account of their cheapness are canvas rubber
The imports show an increase of Rs. 2,24,119 shoes, cnamclware, chinaware, glassware, hosiery
which is due to increase- in the imports of textiles, and matches.
wheat flour, tea, spices, twist yams and oils. Imports from Germany which amounted to
Exports show an increase of Rs. 7,03.561 but Rs. 29,979 in the previous year, increased to Rs. 39,-527
this is due solely to the exports of Maria Theresa in the year under review, the chief articles imported
Dollars to the value of Ra. 7,80,012 and Specie and being imitation whisky, brandy, lubricating oil,
Silver Krans to the value of Rs. 1,12,100. Other stationery, perfume, hardware and lampware.
wise a decrease of exports of the usual commodities China who was a new comer in the silk market
is shown compared with last year. with a total of Ra. 60,679 in the previous year,
This decrease ia exports is shown by the following shows an increase to Rs. 95,977 in the year under
figures:— review.
1934-35. 1935*38. Deere are. Oeert-rading.—>To over-trading was noticeable
Ra- Ea. Rs. daring the year under review.
Dry Dates 11,22,715 7,13,330 4,09,385
Wet Dates 2.C-4.373 2.37.0S4 57,289 Commercial morality.—Generally speaking is
Dried Fish 4.06,006 1.43,785 2,82,221 sound.
The decrease ia the value of dates is due to the (B) FimmdaL
lower prices ruling than last year, while the ship Ready-money.—Money was easy during the yeaT.
ment of dried fish hcavOy declined as a result partly Bankruptcy.—No insolvency cases were filed
of the Itaio-Abyssinian war but chiefly on account during the year. This shows that the financial
of the refusal of the chief importer, Germany, to position of the merchants was comparatively sound.
take any of this produce except on a barter basis
which for Muscat has be*sn found to be impracticable. Banks.—Banks being non-existent all transactions
At the close of the year large stocks of dried fish are met by hundis (drafts) on India.
were on hand in the local warehouses and if these
cannot be disposed of severe losses will be suffered (C) Agriculture.
by the merchants concerned. As an experiment, cultivators this year near the
As in the past, rice, coffee, textiles, spices and Saham District have been supplied with free cotton
sugar formed the principal articles of import. India seeds. Apart from this, no further efforts appear
continues to be the sole supplier of cereats, though to have been made to improve the agriculture or
the import of rice was less by Rs. 94,409 than last the irrigation of the country. As pointed out in
year. Soft sugar is imported from Java, Boaf sugar the last year’s Trade Report modern methods of
from Belgium and Saffron from Spain. irrigation and cultivation are altogether unknown
Foreign Competition.—Japan continues to strength to the Omani.
en her position in the market and is the chief com Date* growing by primitive methods is the real
petitor in the field of piece goods as the following industry of the country on the Batinah seaboard
table of the value for the years 1934-35 an*d 1935-36 aud in the Oman, while limes, pomegranates,
will show:— mangoes, tobacco, sugar cane (very small quantities
1S04-33. 1935-36. for local consumption) and Lub&n, a resin of the
R*. Ra. alder tree used as a substitute for frankincense and
India 122.123 2,02.931 grown in the province of Dhof&r, constitute the
United Kingdom 36^215 40,550 principal products of the country.
Japan . , 5,33.623 6^2,887
China. . , 87,739 96,20*
Other Countries . 68.649 39.100 (D) Industry.
Total 8,48.549 9,31,720 A small local tndustry exists in Matrah for the
manufacture of turbans and loin cloths which are