Page 297 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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are more g*?r.«*rally u«d for local consumption, but The following arc tLe average prices per Bhar
small quantities lind their way to the Tructal Oman that have prevailed during the last three seasons :—
aud .South-East Arabian porta. 1933-34. 1934-33. 1933-30.
IU- Rs. Ra.
Dry dates arc chiefly exported to India. Dry date* prod iced in Oman 86 89 84
dates produced in
5. The da to harvesting season extends from July Ifcatinah . . . 44 45 50
to September and iLc first consignments usually Wet dates produced in
leave Muscat about mid-August. B-atinah . . . • 40 27 29
Fari dates . . . G3 37 42
G. AVet dates on arrival from the interior arc F*rJ «Ut«s packed in boxes, 15 9 14
|m*.t box .
delivered in Matrah where they arc selected, pressed Fan! dates peeled in packets,
und packed 5n boxc-3 of 12 lb3. and 108 lbs. each. p:T box . 9 6 7
Some arc also packed in carton, which in turn arc 9. Daring tLe three seasons the following
packed in wooden boxes containing 100-115 lbs. net^ quantities have: l.cen exported from Muscat:—
Year. Bags. Value
7. The dare trade is practically in the hands of in Ra.
the Indian trading community, many of whom al^o Dry Dates 1933-34 98,748 8,71,317
act as commission agents for the producers. 1931-35 12,390 11,22,715
1935-30 1,01,803 9,29,810
8. The price of ditea is quoted by the Bhar Mats and Boxes.
(eqaivalent ro 1,800 lbs.) except when packed in Wet Dates 1933- 34 44,312 2,52.900
boxes or packets. 1934- 35 02,300 2,G4,373
1933-36 35,045 2,37,084
Sugar Trade of Muscat.
1933-34. 1934-36. 1933-36.
Rs. A- P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.
1. Wholesale price per Vagi—
Sugar . . • . l 12 8 0 11 8 0 11 4 0
Sugar Candy .... M 38 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0
Loaf Sugar ..... 9 8 0 6 8 0 8 0 0
2. Retail price per lb.—
Sugar . ..... 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Sugar Candy .... 0 2 0 0 1 9 0 1 9
Loaf Sugar ..... 0 19 0 1 6 0 1 6
3. Total uxif hu in Cute, tf sugar imported—
Sugar . ..... •Cwts. Cwta. • Cwta.
Sugar Caadj 50 31 22,146
Loaf sugar ..... 250 5.824 4,020
4. Average might of full tag—
Sugar . 229
Sugar Candy 370
Loaf Sugar . • . 120
5. Weight of empty bag—
Sugar . , S
Sugar Candy •6
Loaf Sugar , • f S
Sugar and sugar coaly are mostly imported from Jara and loaf sugar from Belgium.
k^Jhriinary doable Lags are aztd tot packing •oft sugar whereas leaf rugae o^d 4agar candy Vre packed in single funny.