Page 320 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 320

                                          TABLE No. 2-C—amid-
                 Principal Article! and Countries to whidi exported during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and

                AenCLXS ASD CtC5 TRIES TO WHICH EXfOBTCf*.
                                               I9;C3-34.   1931-35.  1933-30.  1913-31.   1931-35.  ;  1933-30.
                                                                     Us.    lls.    11s.

                      Bv Saxixo Vessew—contd.
                Airies                    BJIs.                  t            230   2,000

                          J/ itcella arewu.
              Coal—                           !                           I
                Persian Golf              Tons           370     19 '        7,400    28
              Imitation Silver thm*d—         j                    i      i
                India                     Cases j         20 i               2,314
              Bar Js-ip—                                           :
                lauu                       m  : :         49    27 J          392 •  162
              Sand’d toxJ—                    I             i     !• r           i
                Pv»La Gulf                    1           51 ■   13 !         GGC    223
              Hide*—                          :             1     r              I
                India                     Pkgs.!          32     7 -         1,920   525
              Coat hair—                      !
                India                              1C    120    122 '  500   9,005  8,163
                                           9%  l
              Goat fkiu—                      1            I       1
                India.                             53     21 ’   14   1,163   4S0    700
                                           W I
              Mat sn-1 tats bap;—
                AfHea                            4,722  3.149  3,436  12.725  12.263  3.960
                India                             231   8,101          330  10,2*4  7.5GO
                Persian Gulf                                                          25
                                                          98 !   5            209
              Budding malerials—
                India                                    176                 2,674
                Iraq                       m                     S2                  760
                Percu Golf                                                          1,156
                                           m                    117
              G bee­
                per, um Golf             • Tins   180    200          1,931  2,764
                India .   .                        97     II     42   1,026   176    555
                Africa .                                                       43
                                           m              3
                Persia                   Babies   903                56,692
                Pcr.i io Calf              ••            887    633         46.611  34*400
                3IuLJ* (Abar Gout) .
                                         • m                     7                   351
                India •   .   •            Km.     25           121    300           665
              Muii'—J Instruousts—
                India                     Case*    11     3           2,196   306
   315   316   317   318   319   320   321   322   323   324   325