Page 315 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 315

                                     TiVBLE No. 2-B—condi.
              Total Export of Principal Article* during the yean 1933-34,1934-35 and 1935-3$-aw»eW.

                                                Qcmm.                 Valct.
                                          195341.   1934-35.  19353*.  1933-34.  1034-33.  1935-16.

                                                                Ra.    Be.    Be.
                Bt Sailing Vessel*—-oo*6L
        Goat hnir •                  PLs*.   17           122    WO    9.033   8.343
            fkin ...                         53            14   1.163   4-S0    r>0
        Mat* and nut bag*                   4.933        I2fir>5  13,035  22,700  1V45
        I'.iiUdilig Materials                                          2.674   1,116
        (»b« ....                    Tims    277           42   2,960  2.9S3    05
        Firewood ...                 tihiars   508        535   56.692  43,611  34,7*1
        Animals ...                  Xu 4.   25           124    3*0
        Mu$icul Ininrorocnts         Civ     11                 2.156   3>j6
        Jagiwry                      PLra.                             LBOO
        liYnna IcavtE .                                   170           360
        Hate    .                    B-llis.             10.916        6.149
        imitation Sfver thread .     PLi-s.                            2,344
        J'tarfoap ...                                      27           3U2
        FunJrics ...            i     »**                  IS          IJM0
        Sandalwood. .                                     344           646
        \Vo*J ....                                        127          4,573
        Hides ....                                          7          1.920
        rod ....                                           19          7.4-X)
        Vvgotabl« -                                                      00
        Art icles not specified a lore                   1,8-45  1,845  5.567
             Total ExroKt bit Sailing Tessels                  3,87.420  8,52,409  7.42;»5
                                       TABLE No. 2-C
        Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and 1935*36*

                                               QcAxnrr.              Vaixk.
          ABTICt-ES A5D Cocsmizs TO WHICH EXPOE7EZD.
                                          193334.  1534-35.  193536.  1933-34.  1934-35.  193536.
                                                                Be.    Be.    Be.
                    Br Steakeu.
        Sardine, dry—                                    5J978
          India                      Ptg*.  2,766  6.831        9.S36  46.166  88,710
          Germany .                        41.137  52.966  20.477  1^0^95  2.K.132  SU276
          Italy                                   4.145                50356
          Colombo .   .                    ••              62                  270
        Fi*h, dry and aaltod—                                   3,070  3,920  32J66
          India .   ,                       341    206   2JSS*
          Cevlon .                          8,533  Mil   32^31  87,110  87,684  W»5 .
          Africa                           • •             41                  CIS
        Shark fii                                                      23J90  33^06
         China                              261    608    7S9   7,730
        Mother ofPeads—
          United Kingdom                     120   178    >84   6^60   11.200  1CJ00
          Germany .   .                      34                 1.636    70   ••
          India                 Tr : • -             3
   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320