Page 314 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 314
TABLE No. 2-B.—conti-
Total Export of Principal Article* during the year* 1933-31, 1934-35 and 1935-36—contd.
Qcamitv. Valce.
1933-34. 1'<31-35. ! 1333.30. 1933 34. 1931-33. 1935-36.
' I
Us. Its. It*.
ITemp . . . Pkg*. 13 323
Soap . ft 20 5no
Vermicelli . . 50 9*»0
Mat leave* . n 702
Building material* •t 4
Wool . 23
Tea . 21
Cocoanut* . . 21
Wheat flour . Bag* 30
Lubricating 03 • Drums 24
Petrol . 301 !
Sewing machine . Cases 13 1
Article not specified 1 SS5 920
Total Extort bt Steam ms ' 14,93,890 17,08,978 23,22,743
Br Sailino Vessel*.
CcrcaU. 8 175 G36 13.996
Bice . Toni 7 300
Wboat flour , ft 3 130
Other graiua »l I
Fish, dry and salted . Pkga. 3,739 7,228 2,705 I 14.370 1.29,721 56.455
Sardines, dry • • 5,618 j 16,837 5,639 ; 24.201 73,738 25.520
Cutties . . 117 68 364
Fish 03 . Tina 387 290 202 713 441
Fish Manure. - Pkga. 780 2,736 780
Sharkfiua ft 12 66 500
Fish Maw* . 29
Dates, dry . . Ton* 1,245 3,173 2.336 \ 1,57.802 3.63,726 2,93,639
Dates, wet . 835 3,803 4,493 , 49.G01 79,278 84,553
Pomegranates .Crates 6 3 28 1 59 55 150
Limes, dry and fresh . Ton* 151 126 91 i 30,612 29,705 31,630
Date juice . . Tina 293 561 359 740
Sugar, loaf . - Pkga 521 1,139 52 4,934 13,233 • 4.176
Sugar, soft . . Cwta. 162 1,000 1,118 600
Wino* and Spirit* . Gals. 138 2,180 943
Kerosine oQ Gal*. 14,928 700 9,079 1,575
Tobacco Pkg*. 138 453 602 7,473 16,330 25.077
Utdicincs and Dreys.
Vedkioe* Pkg*. 112 5 12220 U40
Raw Cotton . Pkg*. 475 17,930
Twl*t . 1 300
Cotton goods t» •• 145 105 789 6,145 6,257 1,00,650
Carpet* 1 4 230 2,050