Page 313 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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                                        TABLE No. 2-B.
                Total Export of Principal Articles during; the years 1923-34, 1934-35 and 1935-35.
                                                Quantity.              Value.
                                          1913-34.  1331*35. 1 I935-3G.  1933-34.  1031*35.   1935*36.
                                                                 1U     1U \   Ks.
                    By Stuxus.
                      Ct reals.
         Rice .                      Tons
        £.inline, dry               • rigs.  11,702  03,942  20,475  1,90.231  3,32,248 ; 1,18,203
         rub .                        ft      CH
         rub dry ami salted           99    8,874  8,41G   35,730       9*1*004 I 3,0*3*308
        Eburkfins                     »»     251    COS     7*9         23,290 1   35,505
        Mother of p^.-arb .           r»     154    181    264          11,270 l 10,700
        Cuttles .   •                 99      38     16                   300 J
        Cowries                       99                    58                   798
        Fish Man .                    99             09     1S4          0,042  10,627
        Shells .                                            34                  2,500
        Dates, dry .                 Tons   1.308  9,217 j   8,114  7,13,515  7,58,989   6,33,921
         Dates, wet                         1.771 .  2,427 \   2,173  2,03,305  1,85,095   1,52,531
         Limes, dry and fresh                113 •   94 u   75   31,100  21,055   14,251
        Pomegranates                • Crates   5,076  6,019 ;  0,450  37,001  42,799   34,755
         Pineapple .   .   •        . Tons                   3                   220
        Coffee .                     Tons             3                  1,600
        Ghee .                        Tins   593     20           6,080   289
        Halwa (nr- *ct»)            . Cases
        Wines and spirits           . Cab.    32                   475
        Vegetables .                 I’kgs.   61     27            370    300
               Precious Sims, Gold and Silver.
       ' Pearb .                     Tins      2                  6.000
        Cold .                       Tolas   . 37  5,530  3,813  1,49,050   1,38,300  - 32,950
        Silver .                                   75,000  7,500        37,000 I 44,550
        1L T. Dollars               ! Bags                  576               7,80,04*
        Karans                        ft                    71                 M2,400
        Cotton                       Fkgs.    38     15   2,256   1,200   990   50,733
        Cotton poods                          58     54     90   38,100  41,050  44.9GO
               Tobacco ami Smoking Requisites.
        Tobacco                      Pkgs.           22     16            565   1,200
        Cigarettes                    ft              1                   250
                  Medicines and Drags.
        Medicines                    rk«».    20      5      2     280     70     11
        Goat skins ...               Pkgs.           68     177          8,725  10^97
        Goat Hair .   .   •           r*                    60                  6.768
        Hides and Duatherware .       99      67     24      2    6,595  1405     200
        Mattings .   .                        69            641    305          8,906
        Motor ears .                 N«
        Henna lures                 . l*kgs.         28     181           605   .8472
        Corn (Benjamin) .   .         *•              9      4            177     72
        Crsniopbocjcs and records     n               8                  2,165
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