Page 312 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 312

                                             TABLE No. I-C—concld.
                   Principal Article* and Counlrie* from which imported during the years 1933-31. 1934-35 and

                                                        Qr ANTITV.           VaUX
                 AllTH LXB AND CorXTRJES FROM W1UCU IMfOBTlD.
                                                  1933*34.  193133.  1925.30.  r.CKIIll.  1031-33. j 1935-30. 'C
                                                                          Its.   Ha.   lit.
                       By Sailing Vessels—toncM.
                         M i*ctlh n* o U4—co acid.
                l!osv liudi—
                 Persian Coif                Bigs.          81     40            882    245
                Empty ca«-
                 Krsiun Calf                 PkS&.          198                 1,471
                 Aden ...                     99             3     913          2,228 .  2,534
                 India                        99             8     C8             53    782
                 Zanzibar (Africa)                         912                   171
                 India                                      20     43            370    702
                 l*t rria                                          11                   134
                 India                                    9,358   507          78,715  14,584
                 Oilier countries            99            774    647           2,852  !  1,703
                 Pen>inn Golf               Ikbar          677     71           7,789  1,259
                Articles not « reified aboTc—
                 India                      Pkga.          971    925   3.1 v0   2,810  9.056
                 Persia                                    760      4    1.945          278
                 Perrion Culf                                    1,731      i   1.05S  3,516
                 Other countries                                        V.534 «  001    602
                           Totas. or Sailing Vessels                 ; 10,9s,300  13,94,565 . 13,30,313
                                              TABLE No. Z-A.
                                 Total Export during the years 1933-34. 1934-35 and 1935-36.

                             Countries.               1933-34.     1934-35.      19-35-36.

                                                       Rs.           Ka.           Ki
               India . .                              12^/1,909     16,40.085     16.21,246
               Ceylon .                                 86,600       2.17.405      3.M.585
                United States of America                >0,125        29.853         \3S2
               Africa                                   •40,901       40.687        68.226
                Persia .                                70,925                      39.690
               China                                    11,530        29,832        48,383
               Germany                                 1,82,030                     91,276
                United Kingdom                           7,650        11,500        26^00
               Singapore                                 7375         12^100         7,240
               Aden                                     25,713        4M77         5.40.605
               Persian Golf .                          1/A152        2.47,316      4,16,409
               Italy   .                                              50.950          279
               Iraq   .                                                             U)/m
               Other countries                                                       4.155
                                         Total        18,81,310     25,61,387     32,64,948
   307   308   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317