Page 310 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 310
TABLE No. 1-C—coi/<L
Principal Article* and Countric* from which imported iuring the year* 1933-34, 1931-35 and
Quant nr. Valve.
Article* asv Countries non wuicn ivtobto.
1933-31. 1931-3. 1935-30. 193334. 1934-3$. 1933-36.
1 Us. 1U. Ra.
Et Sailing Vessels—ron/d.
Pants Dyes and Colours—contd.
Other Co metres 1 19 3 2G4 2,591 C58
Coal tar—
India tllH G 2 33 12
Text flt*.
l'cniio Gulf 1 4 7 1,026
Colton coodi
India Fkjs. ! S2 341 7 12,200 4,393 2,397
Persia *• 136 19,310
Person Gulf 127 54 17,310 4.092
Africa 29 3 702 G22
Twist and Yam—
India m 39 6,313
Persian GoCf 21 342
India 1 14 7 2,019
Sail Cloth—
India 16 13 832 1,720
Persian Gulf 2 2 426 CO
Canny Bags—
India m 577 td4 540 26,915 23.413 23,794
Other countries 15 14 427 128
Hemp— 9V
India . 1,119 324 76 17,610 5,383 1,334
India 14 12 11 922 349 400
India 27 1 67 78
India 1 3 400 1,316
Medicine and Drug*.
Persian Golf 603 1,784
Attarce— M
Persia *» 424 2,980
Persian Golf •» 544 288 5.317 3.942
Other coon trie* 24 498
T<Amu> and Rmoting Requisites.
Ciga rettea—
India 3 2 352 40
Persian Golf m 4 68 33 981
India . 2 54 114 2,057
India • m 16 9 20 1,430 647 1,373
Bom Water—
Persian Gulf «6 390 <66 4,844