Page 360 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 360
PART IL 0»er-trading.—No over-trading was noticeaUe
during the year.
Commercial morality.—Generally >p*.-.«king was
(A) Trade.
Central conditio*.—It will be seen from the fol" found.
lowing table that there was a decrease in the value (B) Financial.
«*f the tot-al import* and a slight increase in the tctal
export* n-s compared with the figures of the previous .Same as !a*t year.
Increase (—)
1938-37. 1937-34. Decrease (-). (O Agriculture.
R«. Rt. Ra. Same as !a«t year.
Import* . . I4.0S.801 41,07,125 —2,9S.7»
Exporta . . 32*51,741 32,99,013 +47.274 (D) Industry.
The decrease of Rs. 2,98,735 in the total im pert a
in the year under report was mainly due to she Same as last year.
decrease in the imports of rice, sugur, cotton piece-
goods, twist and varn, silk goods and artificial (E) Communication and Transport. *
silk by Rs. 1,46,074.1,67,974. 47.903, 23.7571, 1,53/,26 Same as la-t year.
and 31,2-50 respectively. There was however an Air Service.—Same as last year except that Royal
appreciable increase in the imports of coffee, petrol, Butch K. L. M. aeroplanes have also been granted
stationery, porcelain-ware and dollars over those j-rmission by His Highness 'be Sultan to use tl*
of the previous year. The principal articles of Mn;c air route and aerodrome at Gwadur as tL*
imports wore rice and picccgoods. There was a Imperial Airways.
great fall in the import of sugar, chiefly due to ;he
large stock of previous year having remained in
fold in the market. India continues to be the sole (F) Social.
supplier of cereals. Same as last year.
Foreign competition.—Japan still continues to
hold her position in the market as the chief com R. P.- Watts, Major, I.A^
petitor in the field of textile fabrics, cement tod P'Aitical Agent and II. B. M.’r Consul,
matches a.s the following table will show :— Mu?r«=*.
Textile fabric*.
1938-37. 1937-38.
Ra. Rs. Date Trade of Muscat.
India 3,27.3*7 4,54.714 Same as last year.
United Kingdom 28.776 1.775
Japan 5,82.983 4,24jsl0 The following are the average prices per BaJur
China 2,30,0-73 33278 tiat have prevailed during the last three years :—
Other Co an trie* . 83.343 64.740
1935-36. 1936-37. 1937-3*.
Total 12,58*549 9,78917
Ra. Rs. Rs.
Dry dates produced io Oman 84 130 69
Cement. Dry dates produced in
Batinah .
Japan 27,529 3U575 Wet dates produced in 50 73 43
Matche*. Batinah .... 29 33 55
Fard date* .... 42 70 53
Japan 6,761 12990 Fard dates pack'd in boxes
Japanese goods being very cheap find a ready per box .... 14 14 14
market and are popular in sale am-jngnt the loral Fard dates packed in packets 14 14 14
per box ....
buyers who are generally poor.
Cement and matches are now exclusively imported During the last three seasons the following quan
from Japan. tities have been exported from Unseat:—
Imports from Germany slightly increased during Value is
the year under report, the chief articles imported Year. Bags. rupee*.
being the same as in the previous year, ijt., imitation Dry date* . 1935-36 104.803 9,29.614
whisky, brandy, lubricating oil, stationery, per 1936- 37 103,503 9.58J0W
fumery, hardware and lampware. 1937- 36 13,472 8,029*1*
The imports from China decreased to Rs. 37,278 Mats
against Rs. 236,053 last year, there being no dema&d nod Boxes.
on account of their greater cost as compared wixb Wet date* . 1935-36 40.775 2,05.00
1936- 37
Japaneae good*. 1937- 36 6,864 1,69>13