Page 355 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 355


        Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade on the port
                                     durin.g the year 1936-37-
                                        Sf'cnm VctwUi
                             EKTEREO.                              CtKutn.
                   Vi no Cargo.  IA IlALLlRT.  TOT.tA.   With Cargo.  to dazlast.  Total.
         OlM ni»:R                             (orJUIH TO
        u iTT?.cr » l.tlUlEfi.                 WUCK CLEAT-10.
                   No.       No      No.                 No        No     Jo
                   <i4  Tone. arc.  of'  Ton-  Toumro.   of  Tonnage.  of'  Ton­
                   V«f       Vc»-  c»dt  Via-            Ve«-      V  nage.  Vt»-  Tonnage.
                   miH.      ■els.   Kl».                tek.      £      ad*.
        IJriUih     61                64  40.710  limit*  64  40,716       61  40,716
        OumaD       10  63,132        10  83.132  Offnaa .   10  83,132    10  63.131
        /ApAOCU .    8  93.122        6   91,122  Jajuism .   8  63,122     8  91,122
        BrIU.ti (L*ol) .  9  870      9    870  CcUib (LocaQ .  9  870      9    679
           Total    91  220,210       01  220,240  Total  91  220,240      91  220,2*0

               Statement showing exchange rates of Dollars and Baizas during the year 1938-37.

                                                               Bze for Ono   Eupeca for 100
                          Mentha.                   Ezj for 13-
                                                                 Rupee.    DoO&n.
        April.                                         235        172        13H
        May .                                          233        183        125
        June                                           230        177        130
        July .                                         231        104        139
        August .                                       231        105        138]
        Svptc-snhcr .                                  224        1G4        136
        October                                        221        104        135}
        NovcsqV.t .                                    223        ies        134}
        DcccuUr .                                      220        1C9        132}
        January                                        232        172        135
        Fcbroajy                                       238        174        130{
        March                                          234        172        136}
                                          Total       2,758      2,041      1,614
                                                       238        183        139
        Average                                        230        170        135
        Lowest                                         221        164        US

   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360