Page 353 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 353


                                    TABLE No. 2-C—xoncld*
       Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—
                                               Qcastitt.              Value.
         JUricLEs an y Co on thus to wnicn extouted.
                                          1934-33.  1935-30.  1930-37.  1934-35.  1935-30.  1930-37.

                                                                Rs.    P.S.   I»v
                Br Sailing Vessels—contd.
                 Mitu.ll'i <i««i—contd.
        II ut« and Mat Bags—
         Africa .                 • Pkgs.  3.149  3,180   1,501  12.263  3,000  2.300
         luha .                      • t   8,101          2,505  10.264  7,500  3,032
         INrbian Gulf .                      98      5     497    209    25     969
        Bailiing Materials—
         Intia .                             170                 2,674
         In/j                        •»             82                   700
         I’.r.'ian Gulf .                           117    274          1,156  2,930
         Tirbia .                    ft                    330                 4,820
         Persian Gulf .           . Tins     200           20    2.764          255
         Inlia .                             13     42    454     176    555   5,635
         Africa .                    ••       3                   43
         P»rsian Gulf .           • Babars   8S7   533     849  45,611  34,400  38,699
         Persia .                    n                     18                  1,010
         Mukala (Arab Coast)         ft              7                   351
         Izilia                     Nos.            124                  595
        Medical Initrunuatfi—
         luiia .                    Dues      3                   306
         Julia                      Pigs.    21            446    COO          1.370
         P-rsian Gulf .              t#            259    6,859        4,311   4,436
         A Jen                       «9      41                   441
         Africa .                    ft             14     29            202   1/198
         Iraq                                              30                   625
         (cfac-r Countries           99                    137                 1,097
        Dal* Sticks—
         Ptrsiau Gulf .           . Bdls.  11,714  10,916  9,760  6,149  6,047  1.619
         India                      Bags    300                  1,000
        H<taa Leaves—
         Persian Gulf .           . rkgs.    101    49     35     300    306    407
         Iisiia                      99             121                  500
         Persian Golf .              99      23                   50
        Arliilcs not specified above—
         liritn .   .                99                          4^79   3,581  1.899
         ^hcr Countries              99                          1,288  1,854  4.087

                                                               8^2.409  7,42,205  7,49,144
               Total Exroirr dt Saxlxno Vessels
   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358