Page 349 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 349
TABLE No. 2-C—ton id.
Principal Article* and Countries to which exported during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—
Quantity. Value-
0 VLK.S AN I) Cor.NTHIUS TO '• IIICU EXI'OJITKU. 1034-33. 1933-36. I 1930-37. 1931-33. 1935-36. 1930-37.
Its. Rs. Rs.
Rr Stcasiccs—n*td.
Fru Its—coaid.
Persian Calf . . Bags 27 3G0
I'rcrioua Stones, G'Ad aW Silver.
India - Tolas 5,530 3,813 1,38,300 32,930 62,400
India . 75,000 43,530 13,200
Persian Calf . It 75,000 37,000
M. T. Ii'dl.arj
Persian Gulf . Bags 203 156 2,86,812 2,06,700
India - 1 1,300
I’nittd Kingdom • 9 5 7,000
.Aden 367 48 1,90,930 63,000
K-*r.ins (Sf«ecie)—
Persian Gulf . 99 10 55 10,400 83,500
India . Cl 1,02,000
India . Bdli 138 2,238 1,658 630 49,283 73,878
Persian Calf . 99 2 IS 40 340 1,445 4.063
Iraq 99 31 2,948
Cotton gexj-ds—
Aden . Pkg«- 12 19 28 14,GOO 15,250 23,000
Persia . 33 6,310
Africa 99 39 33 82 24,950 23,100 51,610
Persian Calf . 3 1,300
Uara-tu-Salam 99 1 1 300 800
TiAiaceo aid S moling Requisites.
Persian Calf Pkg»- 22 15 563 1,030
Aden . 1 250
Medicines and Drugs.
Persia . Fkg*. 5 70
India . 2 50
Persian Golf 99* 2 11
Coat Skins—
India . . . Pkgs. 46 174 501 6,025 10,097 61,091
Per*ion Coif . 22 3 9 3,700 300 900
Coal Hair—
1 ndia . . 99 CO 124 5,763 13,352
Persian Coif . 99 2 390
Iraq 1 70
India . . r* 641 1,717 8,906 16,832
Mat Uav
India . 99 702 5,678
Henna Leans—
Persian Calf . 99 28 54 14 505 1.275 335
Iraq H 127 80 2,597 1,954