Page 345 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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TABLE No. 2-A.
Total Export during the years 195-1-35, 1933-36, and 1936-37.
Countries. 193I-33. 193534. l>30-37.
E«- Rn- R*.
India . 14.40,083 16,21.246 17,16,245
CeyloO . . . . 2.17,403 3.HX.W, *,14.217
United State* of Atnmca 29.853 *5*2 3.200
Africa . 40,687 CK22G 70.323
Pmi» (Iran) . • .
China . 211,832 31.423
Ormur . 22U*.182 91.27G 1,30.913
United Kingdom . . 11,300 26J>» 7,043
Singapore . . . . 12,200 7.240 7.336
A/lon . . . • 4G.377 5.40.605 fiG.000
Persian Golf . . • •47,316 4,16,4'* 3,18,013
Italy . 50,930 279
Iraq....................................... 10.073 20,089
Other Countries . 4,1-53 14,477
Total 23,61,387 32,64.948 32,41,641
TABLE No. 2-B.
Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37.
<^CANTmr. Valce-
1934-35. 1933-36. 1936-37. 1934-33. 1933-36. 1936-37.
Ra- Ra. R«.
£t Steavxbs.
Fardine, dry . Pkga. 63.942 26.475 39,515 3,32.248 1,18,205 1,88.506
>l*h, dir and salted rt 8,416 35,730 38,933 91,004 3,68,308 7,20,622
Sharkfias ft 608 7S9 632 35,503 22,590
Mother of pearls - 181 284 184 16,700 9,415
Cattle* . 99 tt 16 5 IS
Cowrie* . , •• 58 23 798 310
Kefih Maws . 69 184 1(0 10,627 4,482
Kc?h manure 99 99 123 1,910
FLella 99 34 2,500
Prawns . . 99 34 *1,650
Date*, dry . Tons 9,217 8,144 7.721 7,58,989 6.33.921 6,99,740
XhAor, wet. 2,417 2,173 1,881 1,85,095 1,52,531 1.14.434
Lime*, dry asd fresh It 94 73 72 { 21,035 14*51 18,733
Pr-nru-grutat* . . Crates 6,619 0,430 4,582 42,799 34,755 19.535
PmeapjJ© . Tons 3 f • 220
Coffee . Tons 9 1,600 • •
GWe . Tins 20 289
Vegetables - Pkg«- 27 •• 360
Pneiovt Sonet, Odd and Silver.
Cold . Tolas 5A30 3,813 1,38,300 1.32.950 62.400
Filref 75,000 75.000 37,000 44 A50 13,200
M. T. Dollars . Bags 576 7,86,042 2,09,700
Krans (specie) . * »» 71 1,12,400 83,500