Page 341 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 341

                                     TABLE No- 1-C—conhL
          Principal Article* and Countries from which Imported during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and

                                                 Qca VT7IT.             Vai.ce.
                                           1931-33.  1933-30.  ] 530-37.  1931-33.  1933-30.  1936-37.
                                                                  Rs.    Ea.    Rs.
                  By Sailing Vessels.
         Rice—■                                     9,724  13,787  9,11,286  7.99.0SG  11,07,101
          India .                    Tons    7,733                        1,783  6.931
          Persia .                    99              19     82
         \YLcAt-                                                         17,090  24,887
          India .                             203    224    203   20,322
          Persia .                                    32     90           1,971  4,633
          Persian Gulf                         32    140          2,533   7,630
          Iraq                                               67                  5,095
          Other Courrtrirs            99                     16                  1,327
         Ri* Klom                                                                5.007
          India                       T9                     57
         Wiesit Hour—
          India . _ -                         813   1,719  1,131  80,2 IG   1,41.418  1,11,101
          Persian Gulf .                       12     4 7          1,010  2,4-32  7C8
          Iraq                                                7                   316
          Other Countri»              T9                      3
         Pc!*                                                             2,109  6,097
          India .                             30      18     85   3,099
          Persian Gu3f .                       1                    51
         Other Grains—
          India .                             90            121   7,901          8,903
          Persia .                                    62                  4,030
          Persian Gulf .                      49      2           3,037    119
          Iraq                                                2                   192
         S<v<t*-—                                                  318           0,048
          India .                    Flu's.   23            153
          Other Countries             rf     1,793                3,322
         Wheat Bran—                                              1483           5,733
          India .                     *9      2S7          1,094
         Suzar. Soft—
          India .                    Cvts.            8                    923
          Singapore                         13,622                72406
          Java                                      1,736  6,484        1,00488  67465
          Belgium                     99              68
         Snrar Candy—
          India .                                            8                     91
         Ja?fc'<Ty—                                                331     101    157
          India .                    Ptfi*.   23      5      13
          India ...                   W9      52     64     224   1484   1459    4,815
         Cc3c«—                                              22   1,602    439    515
          Africa ...                          31      1                   213     586
          Persia .                                    1      10
         Ghee—                                               69                  1402
          India ...                                                      12,437
          Persian Gulf •                      240   1,019         7459
         VcfX-Cablo—                                               632    I486
          India ...                           110     81    121 8                1*167
          Persia ...
         FrxiUs Fresh and Dry—                                      31
          India .                              1             21    349     639    516
          Persian Gulf .                      30      49
         r-----                                                            583
          Persiap Gulf               Tees     144     42     8    1,495           249
         Spice*—                                                   862
          Japan .                    VV&.     42            564   15472  11,821  17475
          India , v                           861    332
          China .                             203                 1432     86    • •
          Persian Gulf                        36      Z
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