Page 338 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 338
TABLE No. 1 -C—conid.
Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1931-35, 1935-36 and
Qi'A>'iirT. Valve.
Ar.n<icf Covstmcs raoj weicu imported. w
1931-35. 1935-36. 1936 37. 1931- 3-3. 1935-3G. lwe.;
Ita. IS*. it*.
Bt Steam do—conli.
TtxUli FaWkt—contd.
Gunny Bags—
lii-lift . . Pkg*. 173 150 265 17,671 13.910 16.259
l’ir*ia . ft 303 109 73 15.922 7.771 3,378
In* li» . . 9* 8 13 2 998 100
India 15 10 95 1,014 1.193 8,280
l’viwio Gulf . 1 90
Cigarette—, etc.—•
In-Ui Cas's 7 24 139 539
fniv-I Kinciosa 45 120 125 12.>02 17.759 21,372
l\r»!ac Gulf . 10 275 37G Countries n 31 5 3/02 139
India . 9 14 513 175
United Kin idem J32 20 90 43,239 39,392 30,513
Cigarette paj«cr— . 2 10 5 1.109 3235 2,303
r-.T,:.m Gulf . G 5 1,912 1,319
0:L*r Countries 2 7C9
C:U and SJcziirart.
Jtri *Co>l Thr?vi)—
India . Caw. 405 239 334 35,412 25.748 29,700
Tcfi'cht a*-d J"U4$6rhi.
Mour Cars—
Id-Ha . Nw. 1 2 5 1.200 3,900 5.3G0
-Vc* Twk . 2 4,400
United Kingdom . 1 2,289
India . rkji. 102 142 141 G.825 7.4 8G 9,009
lYnia and Terdan Gulf G 331
l’sited .States c<f America 22 21 20 3.023 2,593 12,472
•Ta;aa ... 4 5 10 350 490 603
< M-rmany 17 720
<nber Countries 3 2.1G5 280
N'-tAr Launch—
P<riuaGulf . . Xca. I GOO
Undid Kingdom . 11 678
Ja pan . . . Cases 60 3.TG 117 4.167 13.950 [5,701
*n\*x Countries 10 70 565 4.130
India . 8 4 2 951 310 181
Germany . . at 21 34 5 1,530 2,321 400
United Kiri?l',«n . m m 3 230
Other Countries 3 387