Page 333 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 333
TABLE No. 1-B—ccnli.
Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35,' 1935-3$ and 1936-37 ccnt<L
Quaxtitt. Value.
1331-35. 1035-30. 103t5-37. 1051-35. 1035-30. 1030-37.
Rs. IU. Rs.
By Saillso Vessels.
Rice Tons. 7,733 9.513 13,831 9,11,280 8.00,871 11,74,032
Wheat . 237 300 1,43,870 1,52.515
Wheat flour ft 825 1.5G3 1,441 79,009 0.097
PuUe f» 37 17 83 3,150 2,109 14.002
Other Grains 139 64 179 10,938
Seeds . Phgs. 1,816 3,670 *3,964 5,733
Wheat Bran 280 758 1,094 1,293
Sugar Soft Ctrts. 13,022 18,190 12,984 72,590 1,01.799 67,450
Jaggery . Pkgfl. 23 10 13 331 101 5,815
Tea ♦t 52 04 224 1,884 1,2-59 1,101
Coffee . Tons 31 2 '8 1.G02 652
Gbeo Cases 240 510 09 7,359 12,437 1,202
Vegetables Pkga. 110 102 129 C32 1,286 1,258
Fruits 31 49 21 380 639 510
Groundnuts Bago 83 267 302 422 2,4 CO 2,378
Dates Tons 144 40 10 1,495 583 249
Spices Pkgs. 1,142 335 564 18,918 11,907 17,575
Vermicelli ft 479 590 672 2,108 2,194
Starch rt 52 53 123 660 GS0 2,015
Tjq Provisions 13 138 194
Miscellaneous FI 1,672 1,244 27,902 18,299
K'-roaine 03 . Gals. 12,972 996 • 6,635 561
Fi-h Oil . . . Tins 2,959 1,092 63 6,609 2.178 398
Oils of all Kinds . . Gala. 19,904 9,900 9,304 14,895 32,836 38,344
Paints, Dye and Cotoxrt.
Paints • Pkg*. 14 14 13 182 213
Paint 03 . . Kegs. 2
War as . Pkgs. 19 2,891
Coal tar • • Tins 6 33
Colours . . Pkg*. " 40 109
Cotton Goods Phgs. 297 04 402 22,011 31,223
Twist and Yarn 21 39 05 342 5,346
Haberdashery . 14 17
Carpets . »» 1 4 7
Sail Cloth 2 15 23 420 4.263
Gunny Bags ft 479 554 1,154 20,842 42^46
Hemp w 324 70 419 0,388 8,019
Twine • ft 12 11 17 649 1,455
Wool ft 27 21 67
Silk . •» 3 29 28,076
Medicine, end Drift*.
Medicine* . Pkgs. 603 892 8.471
Attari *> *'908 689 26 6,816 606