Page 331 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 331
TABLE No. 1-B.
Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37.
Qcastjtt. Value.
1934-35. 1335-30. 1930-37. 1931-35. 1935-30. 193G-37.
Ra. Rs. Rs.
Br Steaxeu.
Rioe Tons 2,275 2,392 2,044 2,24,127 2,37,693 2,83,158
like flour 25 2,401
Wheat m 13 49 49 3,663 4,747
Wheat flour 105 356 279 22,002 39,065
Other grains 62 89 144 10,522
.Sugar Candy Cwts. 51 45 GO 983 559 1,312
Sugar soft r* 322 GO 3,930 20.581 17,048 23,369 1,89.780
Sugar loaf *■ 5,824 4,020 117 54,019 38,881 873
Jaggery . 3U7 5 4 3,367 22,314
Tea 202 249 483 14,030 16,501
Coffee Tons 363 445 331 2,5S,»39 2,98,093 2,28,095
Vogc-t ablcs Pkgs- 216 217 327 1,287 2,114 3,645
Vegetable jc*xlucta ff 54 617 “llO
Fresh fruit* rt 30 9 272
Dry fruits • 9 79 2,407
Spice* 1,893 1,991 730 52,180 60,792 26,376
Saflom Lbs. G03 900 550 6,422 10,625 6,260
Tin Provisbna . Cases 410 346 241 7,244 5,483 5,410
Vermicelli . 430 125 451 2,931 1,350 6,366
Starch Pkgi. 83 20 74 1,061 260 1,143
Syrup Gall. 157 30)
Ghee Cases 102 3 28 2,833 122 391
Wines L Soffits Bg\. 3,783 2.439 1,092 28,131 41,295 46,692
Groundnuts 133 157 1,185 1,891
Rose water Ca«*. 129 750
Fish Oil - . Galls. 3,480 3.280 376 12,562 5,609 5,362
Kerosene Ail ft • 78,196 109,600 28,540 36,035 60,006 61,773
Petrol 17,000 104.020 34,000 16,8t>7 93,610 1,13,495
Lubricating oil . f* 700 4,164 529 1,577 7,091 4,916
Paint*, Coloura, etc.
Waras (odre) . . Pkgs. 61 40 27 13.611 10,396 5,053
Dry colour . Cases 49 33 47 7,214 3,591 5,208
Turpentine . - Kegs. 2 400
Maliciati <L- Lr*g».
Attarcc . . Pkga. 257 66 144 13,522 2,910 4,522
Medicines - 117 335 < 291 2,2(0 11,626 12,087
Opium Lbs. 70 171 12 2,436 6,059 3,948
Hospital Stores. Pkgs. 9 22 14 M&2 1,015 1,418
Cottons gcods Pkg»- 3,005 3,523 2,683 6,94,214 7,99,096 7,29,331
Woollen p*ods 125 81 35 17.519 16,507 15,467
Silk goods 183 201 249 89,276 1,04.709 210,022
Artificial S3k 213 126 188 42.448 20,626 38,008
Twist fc Tara 3(6 682 404 73,(XO 1,34,016 71,811
Blankets . 3 491
Hosiery . 8 17 1.468 3,563
Haberdulay 337 28 41 34,150 2,801 6,150
Old clotting 7 3 5 473 310 452
Sail cloth 2 t 091 2,532