Page 332 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 332


                                            TABLE No. 1-B—conli.
                     Import! of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—con/d.

                                                      Qcajjtitt.             Valce.
                                                1934-35.  1935-36.  1930 37.  1934-33.   1933 3-6.  193T

                          Br Sthuuxs—eonid.                            Rs.    R*.     Ra.
               Carpets .                   Pkgs-     9     13      3    2.7*5  2.917   475
               Gunny Bag*                          53G    31*    310   33.-V.-3  21.711  19/J7
               Hemp .   •                   ft       3     n       2     8*3    K34    100
               Twin* .                      ft      15     17     95    1,014  1.2*1  *2*0
               Jari (Gold thread)           ft     405    231          35,412  £>,744
                       Tobaxty <fc SiAoUr.j JtcquUitcr.
               Cigarette*                . Case*           13*    159  15.729  14J34  22.2S?
               Tobacco ,                    ft     132     12#    110  43,219  392M3  30,5*8
               Cigarette paper*                      &     12     10    3,021  4,»>.*4  3,652
                          Grid &• Sifter Ware.
               Zari                        Cases                  334                 Zf.’CO
                          Tt.licl" end Auutcriit.
               Motor Car* (old)          . Nos.      2      2           5,075  3.SW
               Motor Car*                • ft                      8                  12.109
               Accessories               - Pkga.    145    167    183  10.923  3r372  13,0*14
               Matches .....               Case*    90     446    117   4.772   23Y*>  5.761
               Stationery ....                      20     <1      11   2.4SI   3/.»W  I.W8
               Wax Paper ....              Pkgs.    5*5    42    1,359  62:11         7,*W
               Waste Paper ....                    US      70     Mr,   3,375   12*30  4.238
               Perfume..............................  Boxes  125  C4  45  7.241   6_^9S  5.153
               Soap .....                          652     725    593   6.487   7.776  S.S33
               Leather Shoe* ....                    3             13   1.2*1         12-49
               Gum Benjamin ....                   116     127    SI    G.*»I   825*7  4.711
               Enamel ware ....                    42 S    3»     218  17.120   15221  7.438
               Glass 4 Earthenware                  57     45     70    22*69   3.-*il  3,***»3
               Aluminium ware ...                   15     18     24    4,CIS   5.149  5.7.04
               Furniture.....                        7     54     33     392   1-9*7  1,178
               Cutlery .....                        32                  4,463
               Building Materials ...               42     to     163    450    532   4*34
               Box Board ....                     3,977   1.074   761  2123-5   10-25:3  8,701
               Hide* and Leather ware                3     12            145   1-917
               Hardware ....                      4,435    GT5   1,159  13^9C-   10.720  122*50
               Metal .      •   •   • i            420     152    115   7.220  5.7*6  4.648
               Machinery   .                               111    121         17.318  15206
               Tallow .  •• .-   .   ". “ .         84                   782
               Lamp ware   .   .   .                59     87      14   2,*7*>  32*31  3.057
               Musical Instruments ...             146     64          20.1901  5.611
               Cartoons .....                       10                  1.260
               Gas Cylinders ....                   10     1*            250    34
               Sewing Machines ...                  10      1           1*36    175
               Canvas Shoes ....                    54     55     56    3,412  32544  3,660
               Fish Hooks «...                              «                  2.9*6
               Sandal Wood ....                     25     33     21    3,64*5  4.632  2,680
               Agar Dart   ,£; !  •                210     148    92    2,959  2.670  l/*45
               Agar Wood ....                                     31                   677
               lVatchcsKfl ....                      4      4     31    1,064   193    5*37
               Cement .   ||p|  ...                8,243  11.416  25,255  11J32H  14.866  31.602
               Miscellaneous good* with passengers                     55,530  47.542  69,678
               Wheat brans ....                                   90                   467
               Clocks    ....                                      17                  583
               Caaais .   :   .                                   292                 4/444
               Porcelain ware ....                                79                  2,516
               Articles not specileeS shore.
                                                                       22,41®  58.420  30.533
                          Total ntr*-.«Ts av                         22,19,151  25,07,522  26^*5^79
   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335   336   337