Page 327 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 327
The imports show an increase of Rs. fi,28,020 whiskey, brandy, lubricating oil, Mauonery, perfu
which is due to the increase in the imports of rice, mery, hardware and lamjiwurc.
sugar aud textiles. China who was a new corner in the silk market
The exports show a decrease of Rs. 8-7,158 but with a total of Rs. 95/177 in the previous year, shows
this is due chiefly to the drop in the value of silver an increase to Rs. 1,-17,OCX) in the year under review.
coins as conij-arod with the year 1935-30. Thcrc- Over-trading.—No over-trading was noticeable
fu-« the export figures arc satisfactory since the during the year under review.
modi tics exported are more as compared with Commercial moiality.—Generally speaking was
those during the year 1935-35. sound.
This decrease in exports is shown by the following
In err ;**++) (B) Financial.
1935-30. 1930-37
Heady money.—Money was easy during th> year.
P.*. n«. Rf. Bnuhraptcy.—No insolvency eases were filed
Silver coins . 9.42.992 3. nr. too —3.7V.92 during the year, which shows that the financial
Hry Date-a . 0,3:4.921 0f!«),740 - G5,hl9 position of the merchants was com pa rati vel}* sound.
Sanlincs . i.ih46.» — T'-,noi Jiavlf.—Banks being non-existent- all transac
Dry Fish . 2.GS30S 7,2 i,*>22 +3,52,314
tions are met by hundis (drafts) on India.
A- in the past, rice, sugar md textiles formed
the principal*articles of import. India continues
to lie the s. de supplier of ccrcaK and th^re was an (Q Agriculture.
incp-asc in tLe import of rice by Rs. 45,705 over The cotton cultivation near the Saham District
the last ye;.r. Soft sugar continues to her imported has been satisfactory from an agricultural point
from Java. of view though financially the experiment has shown
fr.rdyn coinprtition.—Japan continues to a loss. As pointed out in previous years’ Trade
strengthen her porilio;) in the market and is the Reports modern methods of irrigation and culti
chief comp*-inor in the field of piecegoc-d* as the vation arc altogether unknown to the Omani.
following table of the value fee the years 1935-35 Dates growing by primitive methods is the real
ai.d 1930-3” will show :— industry of the country on the Batinab seaboard
and in the Oman, while limes, pomegranates,
1*37-36. 1*36-37.
mangoes, tobacco, sugarcane (very small quan
Rs. r.». tities for local consumption) and Luban, a resin of
India . 2,1-2,931 1/6.138 the abler tree used as a substitute for frankincense
United Kic'dom . *0,5:10 2S.77G
Japan . . 5-72,KK7 -1.7G.sG8 and grown in the province of Dhofar, constitute
China *G,2(I2 1,*7,900 the principal products of the country.
Cither Com.tries . 39,150 1,4*4
Total . 8,*V>49 94b 106 (D) Industry.
A small local industry exists in Matrah for the
Artificial silk goods arc exclusively Japanese manufacture of turbans and loin cloths which are
and are remarkable as much for their attractive exported to Aden, Zanzibar and East Africa. The
nud varied patterns as for their astonishing cheap weaving is done on hand-looms in various Baluch
ness. homes but is merely a cottage industry. No machi
The following table of the value for the years nery is employed and no State encouragement is
1935-3G and 1930-37 will show that a cheap brand given.
of Japanese cement is making progress against the
Indian and United Kingdom commodity:—
(E) Communication and Transport.
1537-30. 1936-37.
Stale of communications generally.—Transport
Rs. R*. along the coastal towns is still carried out by sailing
United Kingdom . .. 4.1*73 vessels and remains the cheapest means of convey-
Japan . 14,606 27429
ance. Light cars can run some 280 miles up the
Other lines in which Japanese goods predominate J Batinah Coast to Kalba but the unsuitability of
on account of their cheapness are canvas rubber H the existing tracks for anything in the nature of
shoes, cnamdware, chinaware, glassware, hosiery | lorry traflic precludes any attempt to introduce
and matches. D road transport for commercial puqmscs.
Imports from Germany decreased from Rs. 39,527 I The only properly constructed road in the country
in the previous year to Rs. 17,318 in the year under g is between the towns of Muscat and Matrah on which
report, the chief articles imported being imitation | motor cars ply daily.