Page 346 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 346
TABLE No. 2-B-*oni<L
Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—conld.
Quantity. Value.
1934-35. 1035-30. 103037. 1931-35. 1033-30.
n*. R*. JR*.
Br Steamers—<o*td.
Cotton Tit*. 15 2,2-50 1.729 990 •V>,733 89.991
Cotton good* 54 90 111 41.05U 44.900 75.440
Tobacco and Smeting Requisite*.
Tobacco Tip. 22 10 505 1,200
Cigarettes m 1 250
21 edit inti and Drugi.
Me-Jicinei. . Tip. 5 2 2 70 11 50
Co-ut Skins . . Pk*a. 08 177 510 8.725 10,397 -31,991
Cunt Hair 9* CO 127 5,703 33,812
Hides and leather-rare* 24 2 4 1 ,595 800 140
Malting* . nu 1.717 V-**i 10.832
Haama Leaves . 28 181 94 505 3,*72 2,289
Cum (Benjamin) 9 4 177 72
Hump . . . 13 325
Gramophones and records 8 2,105
Socp ... 20 **. 1 500 .10
Vermicelli . . V 50 900
Mat leaves 762 5,578
Building Materials 4 04
Wool Bigs 23 57 2,043 5,611
T«* ... Pigs. 21 25 750 1,525
Cccoannts 21 33 230 290
Wheat flour Bags 30 40 40 275 410
Lubricating Oil . Dims 24 240
Petrol ... 301 003
Sewing Machine* Cue* 13 I.UK)
Article* not specified above 920 1,223 2,374
Total Extort by Steamers 17.0S.978 25,22,743 24.02,497
Bt Saxlxxo Vessels.
Bice • • Tens 175 ■22 636 13,998 1,445
Wheat Floor 7 500
Other Grains . I 130
Fiflh, dry sad salted 7,223 5,737 1,29,721 56.455 1J 9,011
Sardines, dry -• 16,837 25,703 73,758 25,520 76,858
Cuttle* 117 117 304 400 198
Fie* Oil . 290 441 317
Tish Manure 780 3,131 780 5,821 4,308
61bark6na . . 12 36 500 1.700 1,246
Fish Maws 050
Cowries . 64 237
Prawns • 61 L266