Page 347 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 347

                                     TABLE No. Z-B-toncll
            Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37 concld.

                                                Qvaxtttt.              Value.
                     Annex ra.
                                          1034-35.  1035-36.  1036-37.  1934-35.  1935-35.  1935-37.

                                                                 Ra-    Ra.     Bs.
                By Sailuso Vessels-  oxtd.
                       Fm it*.
        Dates, dry                 . Ton*   3,173  2,336   3,168  3,63.726  2.05.689   24*420
        Dates, wot   .   .                  3.803  4.493   2,695  70.278
        Pomegranates .             . Crate*    3     28     151     55   • 150   616
        I.imc-3, dry and frcih .   . Ton*    126     91     51   29,705  31,630   8,076
        Date Juice   .   .         . Tins    293     5G1    219    359    740    384
        Sugar, Loaf                . Pkgs.   1,139   52     256  13235   4,176   2,420
        Sugar, Soft                , Cwts.-   162   1,000         1,118   COO
        Wines and Spirit;          . Cals.                                943
        Kcroriae Oil               . Cals-           700                 1,575
        Tobacco                      Pkgs-   453     602    778  16450   25,077  20,037
                   Jltdicince anA Drug a.
        Medicines                   Pkgs-      5                  1AW

        Raw Cotton                  Pkgs-  - 475           1.94 B  17,930
        Twist                                               198
        Cotton Goods                  9f ft  * *105  780    62    64-»7  1,00,550
        Carpets .                     99       1      4            230   2.050
        Goat hair .                 Pkg»-    120     122    98    9.(05  8.163
        Goat Skin                     99      21     14     12     430    700
        Mats ansd mat botgs .         99    11,348  13,055  44«  22,756  11,545
        Building Materials                   176     199    610   2,674  14*16
        Ghee                         This    216     42     480   2.933   555
        Firewood                    Bahara   887    526     867  45,611  34,751
        Animals ...                  Nos.            124                  595
        Musical Instruments .        Pkga.     3                   306
        J*gg«y •                      99     300                  1400
        Henna Leave*   .                      101    170    35     K0     806
        Date sticks                  Bdls.  11,714  10,916  9,760  1 6.149  i 6,047
        Imitation Silver thread               20                  24*4
        Bar Soap .                   Phga.    49     27            392    162
        Sundries . „ .                        77     18    7401   1460    225
        Sandalwood   .                        51     344           W«    5,454
        Wool   . . .                  f* #»   70     127          4473   12,740
        Hide* .                               32      7   • •     1420    525
        Coal                          •»     370     1*           7.460    28
        Vegetables                    99      25                    50
        Articles not specified above          162   1.845  • •           5435
               Tor as. Export nr Saruxo Vessels                 8.53,449  . 7.42405  7,49444
   342   343   344   345   346   347   348   349   350   351   352