Page 451 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 451


                                                Tho principal indigenous articles of export wero
                      PART L
                                              dates and fish.
                                                The following table shows the decrease (—) or
        (a) Ooncrci description of tho Sultanate o! Mao-
           cat.                               increase (X) in the value of exports cl principal
             .         ......    4.   .   . articles during the voar under review as compared
         No thing., except that the ost.trat.of the ^ t]w ^ j ,MM9|2
        population given in the report for 1911-1942 seems   r
        (t) Customs.
                                                   Article*  1911-1942 1912-1843  Dcctcnne or
         No change.                                                         i&croMe.
                      PART IL
                                              Dryiilos .     J6.42.C42 ; 30.52,235  -M4.09.593
        (a) Trade.                            \V<st dates .   2.45.934 i 11.S3.499   +9.37,565
                                              Firh manure     1.70.953 I 34,120   —U6,«-33
         (?) Imports.—Gocds to tho value of Rs. 63,40,702 Saltoi Csh .   8,52.503  | 3,55,578 | —4.90.330
                                              Sardnc-3 . .
       wvre imported during tho year und*r report as   Coct<a pioccpods   1,08.754   2.42.599 , + 1,33.843
                                                                            +2.1) «41
       ag.inst Rs. 53,12,-103 during 1941-1942. There   CorTo*  69.617   2,38.863 ! +1.62.266
       w;-3 an  increase of Rs. 10,28,299 in the value of  Bug or   4.073   1.59,248 ' +1,55.175
       imports.                               Tc»             11,488  7.17.818  +7,06."60
         The principal articles of import were cereals,
       ten and textiles.                       He of over forty two lakhs of rupees
         Imports from India wore 89% durieg the year in tl<5 va]c9 of exports during tho year under re-
       unler review against 79% in the previous one. port over those of the previous year is chiefly due
                                          ^ to the upward trend of prices due to the war.
         Tho following table shows the decrease (—)
       increase (-}-) in value of imports of the principal Financial,
       co/aavli-ivs during 1942-1913 a3 compared with ' '
       th*s«c of tho previous year:—           M'.ney ws3 easy and could be raised at from G%
                                              to 10% interest during the year under report.
                                               Muscat has a double currency system (Maria
            Articloe.  jl941-l942j 1942-1943 Docroaao or thalc-is in the interior, Dhofar and on the
                            I        mcroaso Batiiiah Coast, and Government of India
                                    !                                         rupees
                                             in ths towns of Muscat and Matrah). Tho dollar
                     . i22.13.738 • 18.12.414 * —4,01.324 ^nd mpee rate of exchange fl actuatesland rose
       Wbwt and wb*at flour   3,3i.9u7  :  2.99.0IC  \   —35,8'il  from Rs. 141 to Ks. ZJo per 100 dollars during the
       CoST-.o .   .   .1  5,57.220  •   83,473 \  —4,73,747  year under report.-
       Snc*r   .   .   . I 1.07.830 '   G0.833   —96.994
       T"a   .   .   .   21.221 i 12,12,045 ]+11,90.824   Dee to the favourable conditions prcvaiJine
      C,^ p.<~,ood.   . u^.070 |      & durirg the yea, under review both mercCnt, Z
       Wia- and spirit*   .  j  23.349  j   14,324 i   —9.024  date garden ownors made  good profit*. There
      Muck1!sd>.‘od* .   -  i 1.09.002  ,  1,94,762 j   +85.760  wor6 * few small cases of bankruptcies of little
        The incr.^e in the value of imports during the
      ye'-.r under report over thorc of 1941-1942 was (c) Agriculture,
      chiefly due to rise in prices, Tho quantity —
                                               No change.
      tisrj-y imported was less than those in 1941-1942.
        (if) Export:.—The exports during the year (d) Indostry.
      under report totall-rd Rs. 81,08,976 as against
      It*. 3S,G8,298 in the previous year, showing an   No change.
      increase of R-:. 42,40,678.
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