Page 454 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 454

                                        PART III—TABLE (d)-contd.

                  Principi! articles and countries from which imported durinj the year 194-2-4)—contci.

                                                              By railing
                                               By utoamcr*.                    X-yuL
               Artie! .’find couctr-ca from which ini ported.                   S
                                              No. of   Value.  No. of   Value.  No. of   Value.
                                              Tkga.          Pkga.         l’kga.

           II. Cutala.
           Ri-ro—                                                               E
             India .                    bags.  10,090  3.85.931  43.078  14.08.307  02,363; 17,01,241
             Gulf .                              22     453    525  10.981   547 :   17,434
             Iran .                      99                     13    205     ‘5?    VA
             Iraq .                              8      29
             Ad.u .                      M                     13     445     13    445
            Ri.-o flour—                                                        £
             India .                      «*                   75     075     75     975
             Ind:a                               293   0,703  2,020  60,102  2,319   50.935
             Gulf                                              60    1,121     50 T   1,121
             Iran                                              34     501     34 !   Go4
            Wheat flour—
             l&tlia .                           1,335  35.808  8,473  2,01.671  9.S03   2.37,539
             Gulf                                30     551    C9    2,182    »;    2,733
             Oicora                      W        6     194                    0     194
            Otfer grain*—
             In-La .                     90      024  13,100  1,802  41,229  2,424  64,389
             OiL jra                      99     11     288    287   2,157   299   2.445
             liaa and Aim                 n                    80    J.3U1  1.08!  1,391

            111. fiihf ci4 Flj*i Predict*.
             Iran                      Ptga.                   149    666    149 !  550
            FiWb naw—
             Iran aud Gulf                                     10     487     1C    457

            Fi.*i on—
             India .                    Tins.                   13    624     13     524
             Gulf .                       90                   41     394     4J     394
             Aden .                       90                 13,718  95.683  13.71b  95.0S5
             Africa .                                          83     789     63    789
            Balncd fid»—
             India .                      99                   13     524     13    824
             Gulf .                                            41     394 ,   41    294
    .                                         13,718  85,085  13,718 :  96,685
             Aiiica ,                                          83     789     83    789

            Sard:o-a dry—
             Culf                     . Bundle*                378   6,730   378   0.730
             Ad;fl ,                     •i                    124   1590    124   1,690
             Iran •  • •                                       • 40 .  890    40    890
             Iran and Gulf               fi                   16      125 '   16 i  125
   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459