Page 113 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
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                                          ON THE
                             TRADE OF KUWAIT

                      for the year 1911-12 (1st April—31st March).

           1. Gtntral.—The yoar under report shows good The curtailment of sailings of buggnlowa between
         pr- grvss in the trade of the port. Good rain in the  Kuwait and Mnskat, due prorably to the stricter
         early jtart of the year and tho absence of serious  naval patrol  on tho  arnu traffic, in said to be the
         disturbance* in the hinterland together with a good main o. ntributing cause of this decrease. The arms
         yearling 6c-2S*.a combined to give an impetus to trade.  : traffic which used to  offer considerable indncoraeot to
         The statistics compiled from the manifests of Shipping  • native craft  having  now become almost extinct a*
         Companies and by estimation of the buggalow traffic regards Kuwait, countrj boats do not ply between
         6bow that the total valae of the trade has amounted . Maskat and Kuwait as much as formerly and trade
         to Rs. 02.94,452 as against Rs. OO.CO,yQ7 for last has therefore been diverted to steamers,
         year sl owing a net increase of Rs. 2,33,545 or 3 85 1   3 The f0Ho*vii.g table gives the percentage of
         p. r cent A: first glance this docs not appear to be total imI<>r(S furnished by each country
         a very large increase, but in \iew of the facts that _________________________________________
         some li lakbs worth of arms and ammunition |
         imported List year has been replaced by more legiti- •   Name of country.  IOjO-IO.  1010-11.  1011-13.
         mate trade, that there has been a large increase in |
         the imp rt of specie, and a still larger diminution i        561    0>3
         in specie exported, it will be seen ibat the teal trade j   India  518
         of the port has made very substantial progress.  United Kingdom  15-8  10 2  02
           The rise in the trade is due largely to the pro- j
         6perhy of the people consequent on a good pearl j
         season, for the pick of pearls in the year under |   G70    666     700
         review was well up to the average of the last few (
         years whilst prices ruled very high. The prosperity ,  Turkish Arabia  141  15-1  11-4
         of the pearl-industry will be better imagined wheo    2-9
         it is stated that some 70 to SO new boats have been   America (X. &. S.)  1*5  2-0
         added to the Kuwait pearling fleet in the current  Portia  7-3  65  5U
           2. Imports—The imports for the year amount to France   2-8  1-3   (13
         Rs. 40.35,539 by steamers and Rs. 11,7S,G95 by
         buggalows. the formor showing an increa-e of 42 62   Germany .   .   .  24  4*3  1*
         per cent, and the latter a falling-off of 255S percent   Anb Coast (3ahrain
         as compared with last year. On tho combined totals !   and Maikaty.  5-9           ■
         imports are IS 15 per cent, letter than last year. |
         The increase in the steamer traffic is due to increased j Other countrie*   3-5  47  25  |
         imports of coffee, piece-goods and specie while the
         decrease of 4 lakhs of rupees in the buggalow trade is
         caused by the following items:—           Total     1000    1000   100-0
              Arms and ammunition    1-6       It will be seen from the above table that India and
              Dates wit              •4      the United Kingdom together supply 70 per cent, of
              Fish oil .   .   .     •2      the total imports. Next come Turkish Arabia, Arab
              Rice                   •8      Coast and Persia with 11"4, 5"9 and 5*6 percent,
              Wood for building b-ats   •6   respectively. Germany has suffered this year to the
              Krrosine oil           •3      extent of 2 o per cent, which is due lo the fall in the
              General .               I      imports of sugar.
                            Total    40       4. Exports.—The exports amount to Ra. 8,45,685
                                             by steamers and Rs. 2-31,535 by buggalow*, or a
           2s3 F. D.
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