Page 189 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 189

             Kuwait lias no currency of her own, and the following foreign coins are current in the Market:—
          English sovereigns; Indian rupees, nickel anna pieces and copper pice; Maria* Theresa dollars;
          Ptraiir. krans (for account purposes only).
                                  WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.

             The standard weights in Kuwait are the following:—
             1 Voghia                                                .  •r\ lbs.
           1 Maund of
             IX Voghias                      .   51 lbs.; this is used for buying and selling
                                                   sail cloth only.
             a                               .  10c lbs.; this is used for ghi (clarified butter)
                                                   and Juss (mortar).
             :7                              . 121$ lbs.; this is the local Government's
                                                   customs measure for weighing goods for
                                                   assessment of duty.
             :/*                             .  135 lbs.;  common weight for weighing
                                                   articles other than tbc-e mentioned above.
              1 la gar                      .   *20 maunds=G0 voghias=270 lbs.
                lineal staudard mea«ure for cloth and all piece-goods is the Dhira (cubit), which is erjual to
          ,b>u*. I: English inches. Cloth is also sold in pieces and bales.
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