Page 192 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 192


                        The decrease both in imports and exports is a   IMPORTS BY BUGGALOWS.
             one : reasons for abuonnul modifications
                      arc as follows                          Barley.—Decrease of £8,507 is due to the
                                                           disturbed stale of the country around Doraq,
                             IMPORTS BY STEAMERS.          Hindyir-n, etc., on the Persian Coast owing to
                                                           which no barley came from those places.
                        Arms and Ammunition—Show a decrease of.   Dates.—Owing to the unsafely of goods in
                      £2,213 which is due to a ISsscr quantity of   the Basrah district Kuwait owners of date gardens
                      ammunition having been imported by the Shaikh   on the SliaU-cl-Arab brought the produce to
                      for his requirements.                Kuwait which was formerly exported from Basrah
                                                           direct and the increase of £3,500 is attributed to
                       Carpets.—Decrease of £2,2S7 is due to lack of   this cause.
                      demand owing to the poverty of the people.
                                                             Fruits, dried and fresh.—Show a decrease of
                        Charcoal.—The decrease of £2,171 is stated   £1,9S0 which is due to active military operations
                      to bo due to the congestion of the local market   in Mesopotamia which prevented free entry of
                      with old stocks.
                                                           fruit into Kuwait.
                        Coffee.—Shows an increase of £S,115 which is   Loaf Sugar.—For decrease of £2,2GG vide
                      due partly to increased imports owing to cheaper   remarks against sugar under imports by steamers.
                      rates obtainable in India and chiefly to restrictions
                                                             Tobacco.—For decrease of £5,334 vide remarks
                      placed upon export from Basrah.    i  against fruits above.
                        Coir and Coir rope.—The decrease of £3,562 \
                     under this head is assigned to the restrictions ;   Wheat.'—Shows an increase of £9,0G7 which
                                                          due to larger quantities having been imported for
                     imposed on their export from India during part   j exportation to India.
                     of the year.
                        Enamclware.—This article was formerly '   Wood Mango and for building boats— Shows
                     imported mostly from Austria, aud no substitute '   a decrease of £7,243 which is due to the prohibi­
                                                          tion of its export from India.
                     has yet appeared.                   j
                        Oil Kerosene.—There has been no import by '   EXPORTS BY STEAMERS.
                     steamers under this head and it is probably due i
                     partlv to old stocks of American oil being on !   Animals—horses. —Increase of £3,927 is due
                     baud’, and partlv to competition bv Albadau’oil. to a larger supply of horses having been brought
                        Pearls.—The 13,200 rrMrh ‘appears ua.ler °verlal.J !rom Tu,Uih AraLb and ihiI'r<d from
                     this head represents the value of pearls brought j uuai
                     back to Kuwait from India unsold.   '  Pearls.—Show a decrease of £37,231. It is
                       Piece-goods.—Show a falling-off of £11.053   j due to the slump in the pearl markets owing to
                     over the figures for 1913-14 and £43,<>17 over   which shipments have le-en withheld.
                     that for 191*2-13. This is due to the failure uf   ,  Specie.—Shows a 111 ling-off of £16.795 which
                     the last two pearl seasons and the slump in   is due to the general Set-back in the import trade
                     European pearl markets.            | of the port.
                       Specie.—Shows a decrease of £3,071 which is I Tea.—Increase of £1,050 is due fo Basrah
                     due to the dullness of the pearl market owing to , drawing her supplies from Kuwait in l?14-lo.
                     which pearls returned unsold.      j   Wheat.—For increase of £1.227 see remarks
                       Spices—The decrease of £3,G7S under this against wheat under imports by luggalows.
                    item is probably due to old stocks being in hand.   EXPORTS BY BUOGALOWS.
                       Sugar, Loaf and Soft.—Shows a decrease of
                    £15,046. 11-is due to the suspension of business Astrakhans.—Decrease of £1,533 is due to
                    relations with Germany and Austria from which  the war owing to which no astrakhans have been
                    countries the commodity was mostly imported. I exported to Russia.
                       Thread, Gold and Silver.—This article was j   Ghi.—Decrease of £>,000 under this bead, .is
                    also inported chiefly from Germany and the ! state-1 to be due partly to the shortage of gbi in
                    decrease of £1,910 under it is obviously due to the desert aud partly to Bahrein, drawing her
                    the war.                             supplies from Eastern Nejd direct, a new
                       Wood for boats.—Shows a decrease of £3,128 departure.   .
                    whuh iB due to the embargo placed on its export   Tea.—Decrease of £6,009 is due to the gen ra
                    from India.                         J umest ia Persia owing to which the export of tea
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