Page 328 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 328

                                               PORT OF KUWAIT.
                    Return ol British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port  durlnf
                                                  the year 1917-18.

                                         r.NTEE i:i>                        CLEAEED

                    Counftia* t« 1 which  With c»«oo.  In mun.  Tor ai..  Cinutrid to » which  Wim nuo  li  Total.
                       c 1C red.                           eh aci-d.
                              No. i>( _  N<>. of I T,«naPf   Tot,rag,.              '   !  Tw «r».
                                 I                 I                                    !
                                 I                                                      '
                    I ctlia    30.7I.2SO         SO 712 0 < India .  II . 32.281 ! ...  1 » . 32.2S4
                                 I                 1                  1        ! ■” 1
                                                   Sail ivy Vet selt,
                                          I       8               I
                    I Cilia     8   CIO               610 | B.i>rah .         8  CIO   8  CIO

                                               PORT OF KUWAIT.

                     Return ol Shipping ol all nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade ol the
                                              Port during the year 1917-18.
                                        ENT EE ED.                           CLEAEED.
                      Nat inr   Win r* ico.  I  Is ballact.  TvTAl.  Natiot'alHy ol   Win CAICO.  I * lalXivr.  TiTjL
                       HitS'"                               ttswh.
                                       No.                                          No. *f  T ci/f.
                             Vvie •! |T«"*»se AO t ■t             £.If     r   T'n'a?'- «wl
                             1        1            1                                   *•1
                    Fritish .   30 '7I.2E9       30 . 74,259 , Eritisli .  II ; 32,281  14 32aSI
                             I I                        J             l
                                                   Saili/'tf Feuds.
                    JlritUb •   8   CIO           8 CIO 1 Eritish .           8  CIO  8   «0
                     French     10  903          10   910 French .           10  9CO  10  9.X>
                                                        1                                5,100
                    Tcrki»b .  M0  5,103         540  5.4CO Tcriuh.        ! 540  5.400  540
                     Tmian .    4   52            4   52 Persian .  4    52           4    £2
                    Arab        4   100           4  100 Arab                4   100  4   100

                    hGPJ—M6- 71FAPD—12-7-19—42.   %
   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333