Page 333 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 333
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Kuwait has no currency of her own, Indian rupees and copper pice are
chiefly used in the town, and Maria Theresa dollars for all dealings with the
desert. British sovereigns. Turkish Liras, Persian Krans (for account purposes
only) arc also current in the market.
Weights and Measures in Kuwait.
1. The unit of weight is the 44 "Waqiyah ” of which there are two kinds, viz.*
one of 4 lbs. 10*22 ozs., the other of-1 lbs. 15TG8 ozs. the former being the
weight of 75 Maria Theresa dollars and the latter of 80, on which the
vaqiyah is based. The waqiyah of *1 lbs. 15*103 oz9.^ is used only by
the local customs for imports from the desert and beyond this mention of it no
further notice will be taken of it here. The waqiyah of 4 lbs. 10 22 ozs. i9
universally used in the bazaar and by the local customs for sea imports.
There are Gve distinct manns in use. They arc a9 follows:—
(t) Mann of 27 waqiyahs=125 lbs. 3*91 ozs. This is the local Govern
ment’s measure for weighing goods for assessment of duty, it is
also used in the bazaar for weighing all commodities for which
there is not a special measure.
(ti) Mann of 30 waqiyahs = 139 lbs. 2'6_ ozs. This is used for wheat*
barley and ’Iraq rice.
{Hi) Mann of 12 waqiyahs=55 lbs. 10*0-1 ozs. This is used for sail cloth
(to) Mann of 24 waqivahs=lll lbs. 5*23 ozs. This is used for 44 ghee”
(clarified butter), fat and 44 Juss” gypsum.
(r) Mann of IS waqiyahs=222 lbs. 1Q-5G ozj. This is used for sugar
Twenty manns of 30 waqiyahs=l taghnr=2,7S3 lbs. 4 ozs.
For tea in small quantities, the “rati” is used. The rati which is sup-
posed to represent an English 1 lb. avoirdupois is actually I t 814 ozs. or the
fifth part of the waqiyah,
For gold, silver, gold thread and perfumeries in quantities, the 44 mitfiaal ”
and 44 tolah are used. One Indian tolah=:2 J mithqals.
.. . pearls, the unit of weight is based on the Indian measure called
chau but 1 Kuwait chau— 1 Indian or 5 Poona chaus.
2. The linear measure is the 44 dhira ” (cubit) and equals about 19 inches.
3. The 4-gallon kerosine oil tin is used as a measure of capacity , It is
K&a’sdd b“t£t£. °f 'T3ter* bUtShCC'fatand ,,dib3" (^te-honey)