Page 342 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 342

                      B.—Import* of Prlnclpnl Articles (by Native Crafts) during the years 1917-18 to 1919-20—could.

                                                          Quantities.             Valuk.
                                                    1917-18.  1918-19.  1919-30.  1917-18.  1918-19.  1919-33.
                  KerPtlno oil .   .          . Galls.  23,608  70,762  94,4-18  3,015  9,434  7JB71
                 Lamp And lampwara            , Value
                                                                                     3«l    167
                 Lira pa, driod   .           . Cwt.   616           1,153   CSC           1.948
                 Matches   •   #              . Value        •••             SCO    6,240  9,325
                 Mats .   ,   •               . Noo.  8,032  17,025  4,714   202   1,635   1,300
                 Metals   ,                   .Value
                 Kails .                      . Cwt.   136    613     13G   1,033   1,6-12  1.0S6
                  Keaspapors old              . Value                                103    123
                 Oil, cor-oanuts              . Galls.  S;5
                  „ aimsim                      99     9G9   6,428   2,203   US     1,453   309
                  „ other sorts
                                                99           2/41     176            427    41
                 Onions                        Cwt.   2,125  8,322   4,327   77G   2.758   1,845
                 Pepper                                314           1,385   7«;3
                                                9#                                         2,955
                 Paints and colours           . Value  990                         1,002    378
                 Piece-goods                                               95,710  105,027  75,223
                 Polatoot                     . Cwt.           20     21             16     19
                 Proriaious .                 .Value                        1.C28    614    729
                 Hire •                       . Cwt.  201,514  103,379  75,400  172,701  114,865  63,792
                 Bose-buds                                    600     231            452    231
                 Row-water .                 Carbojs   1,164                 534            S62
                 Silk and silk gooc           . Value                                200
                 Sail cloth .                 . Cwt.   361    512     729   1,607   6.P03  2,160
                 SaH .                                       5,113   3.0S7           660    62
                 Sugar, soft .                       .16,303  25,279  18.661  21,744  50,569  39,026
                 Tallow                                334    282     690    SS6    1.327  J.369
                 Tamarind .                           6,760  14,395  8,650  3,906   C,328  6,240
                 Tea .                                4,117  1,649   3,980  18,414  16,696  29,530
                 Tobacco •                            2,211  2,440   1,038  7,666  19,210  1^31
                 Water •                     , Boom   1,200  1,800   1,660  5,020   6,025  6,020
                 Wearing apparels            . Value         •••            11,691  14,474  458
                 Wheat •                      . Cwt.  69,172  23,700  26,770  63,6.4  22,092  29,746
                 Wheat floor •                  99           2,047   2,944         13,122  3.222
                 Wood, mango                 , Flsuks                        799
                  „ for boats                 .Value  999    •99            6,976  36,909  82,042
                                                                                     657     8
                                               99            •99     909
                  * ’elbows                                         •••     1,168  •••     1,684
                 Wool .                       . Cwt,   211    828     819    670    4,485   210
                 Artlclos not specified above  • Value              • ••    6,076   6,166  10.914

                                         Total £                           632,556  763,135  630,930

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