Page 344 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 344
B.—Exports of Principal Articles (by Native Crafts) daring the years 1917*13 to 1919*20*
1917-13. 1913-19. 1919-20. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-90.
Animal*, cow* Ilcid 12 6 80 W
„ camel* . • •t 101 83 1.610 1,135
rf Sheop and goat* ft 679 603 774 483 1,000 910
•• Donkey* . ft 181 105 1,810 866
Hones . 13 9 200 173
ft ft
Anchors No. 26 13 100 13
Bamboo* . Piece* 15,418 193 385 16 ill
Barloj . Cwt. 0.217 320 3.129 3.740 101 929
Building materia Value 2,731 1,828
Charcoal . Cwt. Q.S35 21,600 2,330 2,104 1,010 772
Clmndal* . Piece* 40,185 60,993 13,: 63 6,097 13,396 1,694
Carpoti • Value 100
Ccroal* Cwt. 2,126 2,018
Coffee 3,671 1,235 7,032 12,727 4,919 24.230
Cotton 45 474 210 1,414
Coir rope Value 6,821 ] 13.100 3.338
Dato jnic* Cwt. 206 44 181 21
DhaU r? 435 309 329 333
Drag* • Value 114 1.211
Dye* and coloar* 564 307
TUh, od . Galla. 35,128 ! 39,256 32,860 6,021 6.543 3,241
Fiih and £ah dry Cwt. 1,707 396 2.7SO 103
Fruit* . Value 2,072 313
32 790
Gunnj hag*
Ghee Cwt. 1,199 1,328 1,414 9,595 12,394 13,527
Glaa* and glasrwart Value 228
Goat* hair Cwt. 65 14S 187 426
Ground nut* , 9,006 730
Hidoe and (kins Value ett 30 1,276
Iron and ironwars m 213 331
Keroiine oil Gall*. 152 9,056 13,184 20 906 1,343
• •• 2,699
Hite Value
Hatchet 1.373 2,378 7,081
H*Ule •• •••
Natl* Cwt. 126 41 ••• 4*4 658
Onion* • •f 692 128 406 222
2,174 167
Oil, *im«ia Gall*. 7,444 640
2,883 2,847 8.222
Piece-good* YaJoa
462 807 231
Provision* tee 68,172
Blue Cwt. 71,423 42,280 67,678 C0.735 45,099