Page 458 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 458

                                               PORT OF KUWAIT.
                   Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the
                                            Port during the year 1922-23.
                                      ENTERED                            CLEARED
                     Natb-naflt)-  With cum  IX IIU.KT  TOTAL    Wim CARGO  lx tlllKT  T«im
                              No.      No.    No.                N«.      N".     No.
                                 Tunnajr  • t  Ton*  of  Tonnage  <1  Toning-  of  Ton*  Toanay*
                              \r*-     ::.v  nagr  vr«*          T .**•   V0»-    vr«*
                              jeb             K-l.               w)«      wh      wN
                   J.HMh.     1"2  :r».«s3    i>»s  2A\433  Ilrlibh  27  31.40*    27  3I.AOS
                   Aotrri'M                    1
                                                    ?1«7i-f H'ritt.
                   Indian .    2               2       lo-lian    2                2
                   Aral Ian   471       IS    4S6      AraMan    193              493
                   Mf%0|<ilainlaa  1.491  9  1.IS3     Mo*Of*>tani!*n  199  1.112  1*311
                   JVr-ian   2,170      SO   2.i-)     Prolan    t*?l            1,974
                               C               r,                                  6
                            No:u—Toniu;e <A AUi-rlcan itiip ” 1'utney - and al»« that of ■ Accra " not leu* u. I va'r uot enter**'!.

                                             PORT OF KUWAIT.
                   Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during
                                               the year 1922-23.
                                      ENTERED                            CLEADr.D
                      Conn trie*   With caioo  IX BlLLAST  Total  Countries   With cargo  In siua«T  Total
                     from wJ.icb                        from which
                      intend                             enured
                              No.      No     No.                No.      No      No
                              of       of  Ton­                  of        of  Ton­  of'
                                 Tonnage      '•t  Tonnage          Tonnage          Tonnage
                                       VCv-  nage  Tf»*                   Vf-  nage  VC
                              Kb       aeb                       vb       rcb     K-
                   India.     102  230,423    102  230,423 India   27  51.408     S7  • 1.408
                                                    Sailing Boat*.
                   India .     2               2       India      2                S
                                     Note.—Tonnage ol S.S. •• Accra ** not known, brace not entered.

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