Page 461 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 461
P AO*.
L Map................................................................. facing page 1
2. The Principality of Kuwait and ita inhabitanta I
3. Cur-cncy........................................................ 1
4. Weigh ta and Measure*..................................... 1—2
5. The Tear 1923-24 ............................................... 2
• Import. ....... 2
7. Exporta........................................................ 2
8. Customs Administration and Lighterage . 2—3
9. Freight, Shipping and Navigation ... 3
10. Sea Flshcrica............................................... 3
11. Boat Building............................................... 3
12. Labour........................................................ 3
13. Minerals........................................................ 3
It. Domestic Animals . . . . . . 3
15. Agriculture . ...... 3
1G. Rainfall ....... 3
17. Public Health ...... 4
18. Exchange........................................................ 4
19. Table showing Total imports .... 5
20. Table showing Total exporta .... 0
21. Import of Principal Articles by Steamers . G—8
22. Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft . . 9—1.
23. Export of Principal Articles by Steamer* . . . 17—19
24. Export of Principal Articles by SaDing Craft . . 20—25
25. Return of Shipping of all Nationalities . . 20
2G. Return of British Shipping . . . . 20