Page 474 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 474

                                                 B—con id.
                    Import of.Principal Article*.by jailing Craft during (lie years 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24
                                                 1021-22  1922 23  1923-21  192f-22  1922-23  1923-24
                                                                       £             £
                  Onion* .                 Cwt.    4,287  5.5.75  6.97G  1,524       1.259
                 Saar: :                   Galls.   701   1,210  2,400   32           347
                 Paint and Colour*         Value                         68           487
                 Piece Good* . '                                      03.395         9415
                 Potatoes .                Cwt.                   75                   7
                 Provision* .              Value                       1,005          97
                 Rio* .                    Cwt-   53,058  35.910  10.993  2S4>2      8493
                 Rw-w*<« •                C-on bora  1,102  1,009  1.079  540         399
                 Rcticbuds .               Cwt.      0     15     4      18            8
                 Silk Good* .              Value                        107
                 Sail Cloth •              Cwt.     140   127     96    520           701
                 Sal*                               530  4490   1,005   37            34
                 Specie .                  Value                                      €67
                 Spice* .                   r*                          190            13
                 Soap .   .                 *•                          27*           343
                 Sugar Loaf .              Cwt.      1    406            2
                 Sugar Soft .               T9     1,208  G45    132   1,293          171
                 Tallow .                   ft      374    198   377    899           579
                 Tamarind                   99     2.910  6,002  5.S36  1.911        3.057
                 Tea                               1.5S9  229     SI   5.289          2 CO
                 Tobacco ...                99     3,399  1.330  4.310  3.452        3,531
                 Twist and Tara            Value                        331
                 Water ....                Bums    V.623  1,825  190  12.107  13,383  13,870
                 Wearing Apparel .   .     Value                       3.510    13    3S
                 Wheat ...                 Cwt.   18 320   44.190  42.2S0  12,339  22.502  21.422
                 Wheat Flour .                     1.079  494    234   1.597   270    173
                 Wood for Boats .   .      Value                       1,185  5,551  2.520
                 Wood Agar ...                                           14            4
                 Wood for Elbows .   .                                  226    91     370
                 Wool .   .   .            cCt.     792  1,052   499    534    783    487
                 Articles Not Specified Above  Value                   3.1 SI  5.994  875
                                   Total.                             2S8.203  189,552  158,893
                  Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24.
                                                      QcaxrmES              Valck
                  Articles ahd oocxtbies rsox which xhtokted
                                                 1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24
                 Abas (Cloak*)—
                  Arab Coast   .   •   .   Xa               7     4     23
                  •Ifso............................................  no  105  1,090
                  Persian Coast                            186   307     25
                 Anchors—*lra^   .   .   .                274     20
                 Animals and Birds—
                  Buffaloes—Persian Coast  .  . Heads
                  Camels—Arab Coast                  2                   27
   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479