Page 478 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 478
IrkijJort df Principal Article* by Sailing Croft during the yean 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24
Quantities Viun
Axticlm axd ootnmuM rnon wmcn ruroRTio
1921-22 1022-23 1923-24 1921-22 1922-23 1922-24
£ £ £
nirdnr*—Ir*q . Value 15
Arab Com! . Csrt 1 24 1 15
'ln*\ * ^ • 63 35 24 61 29 n
Persun Coast 99 129 74 130 143 66 86
India 16 6 « 11
Other Porta 99
Ifldca and Skins—
Arab Court . Value 24 3 91
•Iraij . 99 5 46 66
Persian Coast . 99 u 29 20
India . 1
Ifdn and Ironware—
Arab Coast 483 6 1
'ini) . 99 293 652 140
Persian Coast m 7 3
India ; 20 359
Kerosine Oil— ■■
Arab Coast . Gan*. 1,040 60
’ Iraq . 1,096 85 27
Persian Coast 09 38,46* 139,680 68,156 2.59* 8,514 3.377
India •• 1,080 112
Lamp and La rap ware—;
Arab Coast Value 5 86 67
'Iraq . 4 13 25
Persian Coast
India . , 4 99 4
Lime*. Dried—
Arab Coast • Crt~ 282 36 132 213 86 78
*Ihuj . 15 3
Persian Coast . 99 12 3
India * . 9 123
’Iraq . . . Value 3 13
Persian Coast 99 70 13
Arab Coast 99 30 26
Arab Coast i Xos. 1,648 1,090 8,300 61 176 167
*Ir»^ . 33,458 40 37,657 113 1,226 2^85
Persian Coast 3,456 39,041 100 151 80 3
India 20 8 3
Arab Coast . Value 20 3 28
’Iraq . k- 268 74 08
Persian Cbast 13 44 17
India L509 4
IQchinery—Traq * 287
Motor Cara—Persian Cobit kL i 300
Nafla, Iron-^
Arab CoaM i Cwt. 1 »• 2
- 99 24 264 % • 31 27
India 38 60 78 17
Newspapers, Old—
Arab CoaM Value 13 10
’Iraq . 23 408
Pr«in CoaM i 99 %• 9
OU Bit-sin—1
*Irrq Calk. 200 82 80 33 87 29
Persian Coast 99 180 19 78 30 178 108