Page 483 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 483

            Export of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24

                                              Quantities            VaLCX
          Aiiticles a.xd coc.ttiues to w inert exported
                                         1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923 24

        Datn Svrup—                                            £      £     £
          Arab Coast               Cat.                 . 14                   e
          India                                           7                    3
        Dru p*—India              Value                                63
        Fish .Maw  India .                                      100    33     12
        Fruit*, Fresh and Dry—
          ’Iraq .                                                      23     20
          Persian Coast                                                       23
          India............................................            77
          Arab Coast ....                                                      7
        Gum—India...........................................                  1C8
        Gannv Hags—Persian Coast   -                                          47
        Haberdashery—India                                                     0
        Henna—Arab Coast           Cwt.                   3                   13
        Hides nnd Skina—
          India...........................................  Value      496    233
          ’Iraq......................................................  215    269
         Arab Coast   ....                                                    133
         Persian Coast ....                                                   18
        Machinery—India ....                                                  100
          Persian Coast ....                                                  67
          ’Ha<l......................................................         67
        Metals—India   ....                                            12      3
        Nails—Arab Coast ....                                                  8
        Oil, Cocoa nuts and Sorts—Persian Coast                              400
         Persian Coast            Cwt.                   1S1                  67
         ’Iraq .                                         15                   17
         India                    Value                       11,093  105,006  0,067
         Arab Const                99                           SG3
        Piece Goods—
         Arab Coast                                                    307    400
         Persian Coast             99                                  327   293
        Provisions—India .                                             302     9
        Rice—India .   .          Cwt.                   30                   10
         India   .   .            Value                      202,244  109,767  21,400
         Iraq .                    99                          7,507  1.400
         Persian Coast                                               2,000  2,133
         Arab Coast                ••                          7.G20        8,000
        Supar, Soft—
         Persian Coast            Cwt.                   83                   133
         ’Iraq .                                         4 SO                 931
        Tamarind—                  9f
         Persian Coast             99            3.119                 160
         ’Iraq .                                  216                  144
         ’ Raq .   .   .                           83                 547
         India                                            4                   16
         Persian Coast                                   144                 1,431
        Wool—India .                              939    534         3,345  3.84 7
        Article* nut specified a bo
         India                    Value                         71     55      1
         Arab Coast                                                     7
         Poruian Coast             99                                         27
                          Total                              230,453  2S6.6C9  59,80 9
   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488