Page 487 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 487
Export of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24
Quantities Value
1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24
£ £ £
Dvr a and Colour*—
IVrrian Coast . Value 1
Arab Coast . 11 CO
'Iraq . 4
FL4j (1’irJi and Dn)— 99
Persian Coast Cwt. 93 100 88 217 112 208
Arab Coast . 58 147 106 115 180 238
'Iraq . 167 248 7 419 38 22
Fish Oil—
Persian Coast Gallons 19,132 12.9S4 19,208 1.286 010 9S3
Arab Coast . 1,912 9.G00 372 123 443 20
'Iraq ... lG^CG 21,420 15,232 978 826 732
Pend an Coast . Value 273 729
'Iraq . 42 4
Fruits Fresh and Dry—
Persian Coast 86 58 84
Arab Coast 9
'Iraq . 226 256 182
Persian Coast • 17 71
Arab Coast 1 4
'Iraq . 3 2 7
Persian Coast . 20 27
Arab Coast . 30
'Iraq ... 10
Persian Coast 1,025 625 679
Arab Coast 7 127
Iraq . 55 214 138
India 51
Gunny Baps—
Persian Coast 79 GS 232
Arab Coast 26 15 16
'Iraq ... m 76 576 409
Persian Coast . 885 791 2^13
Arab Coast 10 183
'Iraq ... 83 37 G9
Persian Coast CwL 3 1 2 5
Arab Coast 7 22
Iraq . 22 10 23 25
Hides and Skins—
Pervian Coast Value 26 61 90
Arab Coast 1 5
Iraq . . . 302
Iron and Ironware—
Persian Coast 61 221 121
Arab Coast m 194 15
Iraq . 12 18
Kerosine Ofl— 130
Persian Coast Gallons 427 ,300 6,678 99 313
Arab Coast ;; 2,540 016 1,916 181 102 370
’Iraq . w 76 452 110
Lamp and Lampwaro — •9 716 6 26 36
Tertian Coast . Value 2
Arab Coast m 3 9