Page 486 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 486

                    Export of Princiapl Article! by Sailing Craft during the year* 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24
                                                       QcAXTinra            Valcx
                   Articles and countries to which extorted
                                                 1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24
                                                                        £      £     £
                 Building Materials—
                  rrreixn Coast            Value                       1,014  1,227   739
                  Arab Coast                                             33     92     6
                  ’Iraq .   .   .                                      1.241   440    634
                  Pen ian Coast .          Piece.  7,867  4,807  20,724  654  1.328  1.194
                  Arab Coast   .                     25   4.3SO  3.522    3    245    218
                  'Iraq .   .   .                  9,015  4,607  3,430  670    420    261
                  Arab Coast   .           Value                               328    187
                  Permit Coast .                                                       2
                  Pen-ian Coast            Cut.     ICO    264    57    118    156     35
                  Arab Coast   .                    912    365   252    712    199    170
                  Iraq .                                   35                   17
                  India   .   •                     750                 217
                  Penuan Coast .                    855    41     9G    292     15     34
                  Arab Coast                                1      2             1     1
                  ’Iraq .                                 2,225                530
                 Clarified Butt«
                  Persian Coast                     184    64      2   1.432   270     9
                  Arab Coast   .                    821    523   301   7.5G1  3,202  un
                  ’Iraq ...                         371     1     15   2.316    9      81
                 Cocoa nuts—
                  Persian Coast            Xo*.     400    200   120     6       1     3
                  Arab Coast                               50                   2
                  ’Iraq .                           160           40      1      1     1
                 Coir and Coir Rope—
                  Persian Coast .          Value                        3G0    555    638
                  Arab Coast                                             17    134     11
                  ’Iraq ...                                            1,441  1,936   634
                 Co See—
                  Persian Coast            Cut.     179    63    23G    776    362   1.000
                  Arab Coast                        507    847  2.140  1,789  4.502  8.933
                  ’Iraq ...                 m      1,410  1,140  213   5,130  6,849  1,148
                  Persian Coast                      9            16     13      1     32
                  Arab Coast .                       2      3    179      3     41    247
                  ’Iraq .                           78            64    167     4      80
                  India '.   .              m                     33                  147
                  Persian Coast                     700   1,464  1,103  266    205    148
                  Arab Coast                      46.771  50,136  37,444  14,934  7.2SU  4.302
                  ’Iraq .   •               m        4           21U      3            23
                  India                            8,279  , 10.707   1,059  2.655  1.428  105
                  Other Countries                        4.4.479               704
                 Date. Syrup—
                  Persian Coast            Value                         44     4      40
                  Arab Coast                                             14     37    295
                  Persian Coast            Cat.     921    267   110    665    142     59
                  Arab Coast                m       120    281   132     85    123     48
                                                   2.169   290     1   1,630   180     l
                  Persian Coast            Value                        210     63     83
                  Arab Coast                m                           342    184     81
                  Iraq .                                                193     60
   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491