Page 484 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 484

                     Export of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 1321-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24. O

                                                  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24
                                                                        £             £
                  'Abu (Cloacka) .       . Value                                       425
                  Anchor*                   No.              1      2
                   Camels   •   •           Heads     G7           10    443            *7
                   Cows ...                           7     42      9     22            20
                   Donkey*   .                        27    20     127    143
                   Honrs   •   .             W        4      3     13     37            21
                   Sheep sod Costa                  4,000   918    181  2,336
                  Bamboos   .   .           Nos.     583    39   7,834    05           134
                  Bamboos (Split)                           500    217                  41
                  Barley .                  Cut.    5,918  2,705  3,312  3.881         984
                  Building Materials .      Value                       2,320         1.318
                  Carpets                                                              189
                  Cereals ...               Cat.    1,822   004    3^*9  1.047         211
                  Chanda Is                 Pieces  10.907  13,994  27,070  1,227     1,073
                  Charcoal   .   .          Curt.    833   2,267          292           35
                  Clarified Butter                  1,370   588    318  11.309        2,010
                  Coco a not*               Nos.     500    230    ICO     7             4
                  Coir and Coir Hope        Value                        1,824        1.283
                  Coffee ...                Cut.    2,(.90  2,030  2.013  7,701       11,131
                  Cotton ...                          89     3     292    183
                  Dates ...                        55,700  CO,786  401,721  17,908
                  Date Syrup  •             Value                         68
                  DhaU .                    Cut.    3,210   SI4    213  2.3S0
                  Drugs .                   Value                        745
                  Dyes and Colours .                                      10
                  Fish (Fresh and Dry)      cCrt     318    501    201   751
                  Fish oa                  Gallons  37,850  •14,004  34.872  2,397
                  Firewood                  Value                        315
                  Fruits (Fresh and Dry)     ff                          321
                  Furniture                  99                           21
                  Croundnut*  •   •
                  Grocery                                               1,080
                  Gunny Bags .               99                           181
                  Haberdashery •             99                          978
                  Henna .   .  • •          Cwt.     22      3     18     23
                  Hides and Skins .         Value                        328
                  Iron and Ironware •                                     73
                  Kero sine Off .          Gallons  3,043  8,708  9.303  286
                  Lamp and Laxnpwsi*        Value                          5
                  Limes, Dried  .   .                       153    93
                  Machinery   •
                  Mata .   •   •                                          129   247
                  Matches.   •   •  -                                   1.739  • 2,076
                  Metals •   •   •                                       422     26
                  Naps .                             17     81     188   165     47
                  Onions ...                         163    008   467     69    135
                  Oil Simsins   •   •                68    1,112  1.470  117    108
                  Pepper .                           296    158   239    471    335
                  Piece Goods  •                                        11,902  12,149  20,122
                  Provisions   .                                         252     54     16
                  Rice .                           120,314  55,050  37.838  101,392  38,222  21.608
                  Sail Cloth   .            Value                         99     36     21
                  Soap .                                                         62
                                             M                            65           130
                  Spices .                   *•                          337    210    065
                  Sugar, Soft  .            Cwt.   35,373  42,709  39,154  56,916  • 40,167   58.895
                  Sugar, Loaf  .             99           24,496  15,506       43,811  30,038
                  Tallow ■»                 Cwt..    43      1      3    118      2     «
   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489