Page 521 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 521
“C.”—Export of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1922-23,
1923-21 and 1921-25—contcL
Quantities. Value.
Articles exported.
1922-23. 1923-21. L92-1-26. 1922-23. 1923-2L 192V25.
Sa^ar (Soft). Cwt. 5G8 1,00ft
Tamarind . 9* 3,335 30ft
Tea . H S3 118 406 517 1,119 1,920
Tobacco • • 2 8
Wheat M 188 112
Wool W 939 531 312 3,345 3,847 3.527
Articles not rpeciSed abore Valor 71 28 1S3
Total f. : 286.569 50.S06 355.SS3