Page 516 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 516
" B.”—Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft (luring the years 1922-23,
1923-21 and 1921-25—contd.
Quantities. YjJufi.
Article* and countries from which
1022-23. I923-5t 10512a. 1022-23. 1023-51. 1024-25.
rersiaa Coast . Galls. 1,510 2,100 2,800 195 317 358
Per Jin Coast Value 4,021 6,891 4,614
Arab Coast • 189 38 162
Tiwq . It • •I 3,251 3,386 3,535
India . f» 153 3
Other ports . n 180
Pm tan Coast. Cwt 75 7
Persian Coast Vsluc 785 49 462
Arab Coast . rf 23 3 7
l*o« . W 180 24 217
India . rt 107 21 40
Persian Coast Cwt 26 44 46 16 32 29
Arab Coast m 16 50 76 10 66 49
Iraq . 492 360 77 209 176 46
India . ft 35,407 10£39 1,612 17,400 8,030 t237
Bose Bn 3s —
Persian Coast 15 12 12 22
Arab Coast n 4 16 8 21
Bose Water—
Persian Coart . Carboys 766 634 3,180 286 287 179
Tnq . »• 314 445 182 91 112 64
Bail Cloth—
Arab Coart . . Cwt 120 96 671 701
India . p 7 66
Persian Coart M 4390 1,006 108 34 116
Bias Bn
Persian Coart •» 276 lit
Persian Coast . Valus • •• ••• 667