Page 514 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 514
“ B —Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1922-23,
1923-21 and 1921-25:—contd.
Quantities. Value.
Articles »n<! countries from which
1022-23. 10 23-2 k 1021-25. 1022-23. 1923-21. 1024-23,
Iraq . . Value IS
Persian Cocut Cwt 74 130 143 66 66 63-
Arat Coast • m 24 16
Iraq . 35 24 29 29 21 1*
India . M 6 11
Hides and Skins—
Persian Coast Value 29 20 23
Arab Colit . • I 3 91 166
'Iraq . 99 46 65 66
Iron and Ironware—
Penan Coast 99 3 472
Arab Coast . ft 6 1 3
Iraq . 99 652 140 319
India . 99 359 203
Kerotina 03—
Persian Coast Galls. 139,6S0 68,156 72,248 8,514 3,377 7,620
Iraq . - •• 680 27
Lamp and Lampware—
Arab Coast . Value 86 67
Iraq . . n 25
Lhne* (Dry)—
Arab Coast . Cwt 36 132 108 86 78 149
India . - «t 9 S3 123 71
• Value 267 436
India . 167
Pc Com! Noa. 39,041 100 7,010 80 3 256
Arab Coast • N 1,090 8^00 936 176 167 280
'Iraq . 99 40 37,657 62.919 1,226 2,385 1,764
India • 9V 8 1
Persian Coast Value IS • ••
Arab Coast . w 30 26 3
Iraq . 99 • •• 3 13
India . 99 44