Page 511 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 511
" B.”—Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Cruft (luring tlio years 1922-23,
1923-2 1 and 1924-2G—contd.
Qu an titic*. Value.
Artier* and countries from which
1923-23. 1923-31 1924-25. 1922-23. 1923*31 1924-26.
Clarified Butter—
Persian Coast . Cwt. 357 68 404 1,310 5SO 1,3*3
Arab Coast . m 7 2 748 33 12 3,968
'Iraq . 600 796 1,716 3,619 6,976 9,096
C<al and Coal Tar—
rcr>bn Coast *• 182 1 38 6
Arab Coast . 27 63
'Iraq . n 37 31 11 13
India . n G91 168
Persian Ccast . So*. 1,000 4
India . if 3,500 3,000 14,300 22 7 28
Other ports . m •5,000 15
Arab Coast . . Cirt 90 83
’Iraq • 19 40 31 SO 190 208
India. . m 18 35 5 336 131 16
Coir and Coir Eupe—
Persian Coast ft 48 23
Arab Coast . 30 2,980 21 7 339 18
Iraq . 100 42 648 19 26 496
India . •t 11.758 14,930 3,449 3,799 1,896 1,610
India . 1 8
Persian Coast 132 67 673 281 207 432
’Iraq . 1 24 I 27
India . tf 44 29
Date Syrup—
Persian Coast 341 1,314 167 272 6S9 109
’Iraq . •f 360 674 312 290 362 260
Date* (Wet and Dry)—
Tertian Coast 96,995 127,269 80,373 22,500 23,531 15,303
Arab Coast . 283 659 689 490 374 697
’Iraq . N 4^709 48,312 29,025 8,967 8.361 4,653