Page 508 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 508
" B. '*—Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1922-23,
1923-24 and 1921-25—contd.
Qa:intit ice. Value.
Article* imported.
1922-23. 1923-21. 1921-25. 1922-23. 1923-2L 1921-25.
Stop . Value 486 343 202
Sugar (Loaf) Cwt. 406 1 C18 2
Sngar iSoft) 99 645 132 1.108 799 171 1,211
Tallow 198 377 263 327 579 U08
Tamarind . 6,002 6,836 4,392 2,792 3,037 1,223
Ten . ft 220 81 242 799 200 475
Tobacco W 1,330 4,310 1,339 3,892 3,331 1,S14
Turmeric 6 i 12
Twi?t and Yarn Value 92 793
Water Gall*. 1,823 2,190 l 13,3 S3 13,570 12,533
Wearing Apparel Value ! 13 28 4,704
Wheat Cwt. 41,190 42,280 • 6,615 22,602 21,422 2,636
Wheat Flour 494 234 1,192 270 173 379
Weed (Agar) Value 4
Weed for Boat* 99 5,331 2,326 2,367
Wo<d for Elbow* 91 330 4r<i
Wool . Cwt. 1,032 499 633 783 457 635
Article* cot ajecified abere Value 5,994 675 350
Total £ 189,532 138,893 132,768