Page 507 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 507
"P.”—Import of Principal Articles hy Sailing Craft during the years 1922-23,
1923-24 and 1921-25— contd.
Quantities. Value.
Artiilc* imj^rted.
1922-23. 1923-21. 1921-23. 1922-23. 1923-21. 1921-23.
Goat Hair . Cwt. 4 7
Ohm (Dry) Value 3,776 3XGS
Grocery • • 738 1,419
Ground Nut* Cwt. 201: 127 31 117 213 92
Gunny Rag* Value ! 9 2*
Haberdashery 21 161 04
Hardware . 13
Hernia Cwt 115 ! 17S 172 106 i22; 71
! !
Hides and Skins . Value : 77 170 263
Iron and Ironware M I 1.017 iu • 997
Kerosine Oil Galls. 110,300 09,130 72,219 6.311 3.377 j 7,020
Lamp and Lamp*are Value I ' ■ 111 67 |
Limes (Dried) Cwt. 43 132 141 209 78 214
Machinery . Value 207 j 025
Mats . Nos. 40,179 46,057 00.914 1.1 S3 2,333 i •2.290
Matches Value 46 39 47
Metals 120 : 147 : 201
Motor Cars. Nos. 1 I'M
Nails (Iron) Cwt 324 : 33 44 71
Newspapers (Old; Value l 122 j 1S9
Oil (Sim Sim) Galls. 151 126 904 232 137 ! 143
Oil (Sorts) . 6,031 624 : ' 140 470 36 33
Oniono Cwt. 5.335 : 6.976 . : 4,000 1,231 1,239 1,173
Paints and Colour* Value I 1 4S7 710
Pepper Cwt. 2'»6 no 37 569 184 65
Petrol Galls. 1.240 . 2.400 2.S00 195 347 338
Piece-goods Value i ! 8,694 9,315
: 8,204
Potatoes Cwt ! 75 1 !
7 I
Provisions Value 1,095 97 ’ 726
! i
Bice . Cwt. 33,940 10,993 1,610 17,634 8,21*3 1 -U5I
Bose Buds »» 15 4 i 27 12 8 43
Bose Water Carboys 1,069 1,079 ■ 3,362 370 399 233
Sail Goth Cwt. 127 96 ; 726 701
Salt . 4,390 ! 1.00$ i 103 34 115
Sim Siut 99 276 113
Specie. Value 607
II 112 13 141