Page 67 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 67
Aniline (lye,—There te a fair increase of Us 7,S9t under^ this head, hut
partly duo to the fact that none was imported in (he previous year and tho
present figuro probably includes two years* consumption. People in Kuwait
have learnt to do their own dyeing. They now buy plain cloths and dye them
in their housos.
Anns and Ammunition.—There is a big falling oil of Its. 42,125 under
this head for the reasons already given above.
Coffee.—Under this head there is a decrease of Rs. 27,825 duo to the
poverty of Bedouins and Ncjd who usually took away largo amouuts of
collco from Kuwait.
JZnamelwarc.—Is another item which shows a largo drop of Rs. 41,350.
It is duo to the general poverty of the people, and last year's stock, has practi
cally sufficed for the present year’s demands.
Coal hair.—The import of this article which at one (imo was considerable
and which is almost aU absorbed by the Bedouins, has dwindled into nothing
during the last 2 years of drought owing to their extreme poverty as already
Kerosine oil.—There is an appreciable increase in this article of Rs 30,237.
Messrs Gray, Paul and Co., Bushirc, have taken a keen interest in this line and
have almost captured the entire trade in Kuwait. They sent over a big
consignment of 0,000 cases of “Tiger brand,'* a 1*25° flash point oil shipped
by the Standard Oil Company. This is a new brand to Kuwait and ia
selling well.
Bicce goods.—There is a falling off of Rs. 83,815 on the total imports
under this head and its cause has already been explained above. The whole
of this decrease has fallen on American and Indian piece goods, for Manchester
cloths are ono of the few articles which show an advance, having nearly
doubled in value. This doth, it is said, h much preferred by the women folk
to the others available in the market of inferior quality.
Hice.—Shows an iucrcaso of nearly a lakh of rupees. The import has
been large this year because prices were ruling low in India. Merchants have
bought in large quantities and stored them expecting better returns in the
future. Rico is becoming the staple food of all classes, taking the place o£
tho dates and dry fish of former days.
Sail cloth.—Shows a remarkable decrease of Us. 13,110 and it is explained
by the fact that there was a big balance in stock from last year’s imports.
Specie.—The Maria Theresa dollar has remained steady during the year.
In former years when the dollar happened to ho cheap in Maskat merchants
in Bombay used to remit rupees thither, buy dollars in Maskat and bring them
to Kuwait. No specie (dollars) was imported from Maskat during tho year
under report.
Spices.—Show a falling off of Rs. 19,832 and it is duo to largo balances
remaining from the previous year’s imports,
Talltro.—Shows an increase of Rs. 15,673. Owing to poverty the poorer
classes use tallow instead of the mere expensive ghi.
Tea.—Shows an increased import, though it is doubtful whether it is all
accounted for by local consumption for a considerable amount is certainly
smuggled hence to the Persian coast.
Imports by Btjggaix>\».
8. Tho decrease under " Arms and ammunition ” has already been explained
Barley.—Shows a decrease of half a lakh of rupees and is duo to poor
harvests in Persia and Turkish Arabia.
Dales.—'Tho decrease of ono lakh under this bead has already been
noticed elsewhere. *