Page 93 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 93


                                        ON THE
                  TRADE OE THE KUWAIT

                              for tie year 1910-1911.

        1. GcncraZ.—Thc total value of Ibo trade for tho yc?r   5. Tho increase of over G lakhs ia mado up princi­
      April 1910 to March 1911 amounts to Rs. GO,GO,907   pally bj the following items:—
      as against Ra. 52,13,621 of tho previous year showing   Building materia'  *1 lakh.
      an increase of Rs. 8,47,233 or 1G per cent.; but,   Coir and coir rop   *4 „
      this figure ia still short by Ra. 3,61,602 of the returns
      for the year 1303-1909. Of tho Rs. 8,17,253 increase   Cofleo       ■5 „
      R3.6,13,235 u to be foned in imports and Rs. 2,33,993   Enaraelwaro   •5 „
      from exports. It is satisfactory to note that r.otwilh-   Picce-goodi   •5 „
      tlandirg tho diflurbed stato of the hinterland of   Rico .         25
      Kuwait, tho continued state of war in which the   Sugar •          1*5
      Shaikh of Kuwait has been involved with the northern
      desert tribes and the heavy contributions levied on the   Total    C-0 lakhs.
      piople of Kuwait to pay for tho Shaikh’s raiding
      forces, trade hi3 rccovored to a very appreciable   Building materials.—-A portion of this import re­
      eitcut from the depression of the previous year.  presents tho materials imported for tbo nowly
                                           reconstructed Agency dispensaiy. Tho richer Arabs
        The growth of tho legiliraato trade of tho port   and Persians nro now learning to improve their
      is really larger than h shown by these figures, for   dwellings as well as tho Shaikh and the item may
      taking Import and Export returns together, it will   bo expected to show an annual increase.
      be seen that the figures for the three previous years
      include 15 laths, 11 £ lakhs and 4^ lakhs of rupees   Coir and coir rope.—Ono of the town’s chiuf in­
      under Arms and Ammnniticn nlono whilst tho tamo   dustries being boat-building and tbo occupations,
      item in the year under report is represented by lets   pearl-diving and fishing, a largo quantity of coir
      than 2 l&kba.                        rope is required annually. Tbo increase is probably
                                           due to a good pearl season having enabled boat-
        2.  Good rain fell during last winter and spring  owners to refit thoir vessels more completely than
      and consequently tho Bedouin in tho desert were  in the previous year.
      able to realize bettor prices for their own particular   Coffee.—The year’s import has not yet come in
      commodities and so to znako up their losses of tbo   and what appears in these returns really bolongs
      two previous jeara.                  to tho previous year. The shipments by British
       3.  The pick of pearU was also a success, the take  India steamer from Bombay of ihe annual supply
      being very fair in quantity, yery good in quality and  a re late this year.
      realizing prices considerably above the average of   Enamchcare,—This article, though of inferior
      recent yearn.                        quality, continues to maintain its popularity. Every
       4.  Imports—The total imports for tfco year   one, nch and poor alike, use this waro and oven
      amount to Rs. 44,15,54G as against Rs. 33,02,261 of   Bedouins, who formerly usod wooden bowls, have
      the preceding year, an increase of 16 per cent,   djw taken to tho onamelware. That shipped to
      occurring entirely in the imports carried by steamers.   Kuwait is almost all of Austrian origin and of very
      The buggalosr trajic imports have suffered to tho   inferior quality.
      extent of Rs. 6S,925, which may bo attributed partly   Piece-goods.—Though the total imports of this
      to the disturbed 6tatc of Persia and the reduction in  item show an incrcaso there is a decrease in the
      the arms traffic.                    better qualities from America and Manchester with
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