Page 25 - DILMUN 11
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                                   FiK. 1.  SOME CORRELATION'S BETWEEN SOUTHERN MESOPOTAMIA AND THE GULF            I

                     mi.'niN(D) r, makkan(M)
                    llruk: Archaic texts(D)?  Late Uruk
           Nasr:   Pictographic*'            ,JN sherd near Barbar   late JN through ED ll-llla parallels,
                     texts(P)                                 Hajjar stamp seal   evidence of contact between Sumer and   III
                                        Jamdat Nasr
                                                              Dhahran stamp seal  E.Arabia/Tarut, combined with lack of
                                                                                 contemporary occupation on Bahrain,   ■
                                                              Hafit pottery      suggest that early Sumerian references
            2900                                              -Hafit bead spacer   to Dilmun refer to E.Agabia/Tarut
                                                              Tarut pottery      rather than Bahrain                 in
                                                                                 Hafit horizon JN pottery may be reflec­
                                                                                 tion of contacts between Sumerians
                                                                                 seeking Omani/Makkan copper and the
                                                              Abqaiq tomb pottery   local inhabitants
                                                              Umm an-Nar seal-
                                                               impressed sherd   later contact between Mari and Dilmun   III
            2750                                              •Hili 8 jar        maybe foreshadowed by earlier contacts
                                                              Hill 8 plano­      between Syria $ the Gulf.indicated by
                                                               convex bricks     seal-impressed sherd of "Syrian" type
                                                                                 from Umm an-Nar island
                                                              .Tarut lapis fig.                                      H
                                                              Tarut plain stone
            2600    Fara: Economic and
                    lexical tcxts(D)                          "serie ancienne"   absence of "serie ancienne" chlorite
                    Kish: (D) pers. name? ,                    on Tarut          on Bahrain suggests Qalat occupation
                    Ebla: lexical toxts(D)4                   'Tarut male statue  post-dates ED ll-llla
                    Lagash: Umanse texts (D)
                                                               Umm an-Nar settle­
                                                              ment pottery
                                                               prc-Barbar pottery
                    Lugalanda and Uruk-                        Omani copper at Ur
                    agina inscriptions(D)                      and Susa
                    Sargon inscriptions(D,M)                  .Tarut pottery     general decline in amount of archaeo­
                                                                                 logical material in E.Arabia/Tarut
                                                                                 of post ED date coincides with rise
                                                                                 of Bahrain, now probably to be con­
           2254     Karam-Sin inscriptions(M) Akkadian                           sidered centre of Dilraun

           2200     Gudea inscriptions (D,M)                                     contact between Lagash and Makkan
                                                              Tarut pottery
                                                               City 1 triple-    under Gudea, and Ur and Makkan in
           2111     Ur-Namau (M)                              "grooved rims,     later Ur 111 period, not readily
                    UET 111 (M)                                ring-based jars   apparent in late Umm an-Nar period
                                        Ur 111                 Early "serie rccente"   remains
                                                               chlorite on Tarut,   inscribed early "serie reccnte" bowl
           2025/17                                             Oman              from Tello, reign of Amar-Sin
                                                                                 (2045-2037 BC)
           1923    Gungunum
                   UET V, early Larsa(D)  Isin-Larsa           basal City 11     Isin-Larsa type tablet in basal city
                                                                tablet           11 on Bahrain, associated with earliest
                                                               early P.Gulf      Persian Gulf seals; date confirmed by
                                                                seals            Yale and Susa tablets impressed with
           1822    Rin-Sin, late Larsa(D)                      Thaj cylinder seal  P.Gulf seals; further confirmed by
                   UET V                                                         situation on Failaka where P.Gulf
                                                              _late "serie recente"   seals and City 11 pottery appear above
           1763                                                 on Failaka, Tarut,
                                                                and in Gnan      basal levels with post-Akk. and Ur 111
                                                                                 seals; Failaka is colonised now,
                                                                                 becoming part of Dilmun

                   Notes:  1. M.W. Green pers. comm.; 2. A.A. Vaiman, 'Uber die protosumerische Schrift,"Acta Antigua
                         Acad. Scient.Hung. XXII(1974):26.  3. For complete references to specific texts see Repertoire
                         Geographique dcs Textes Cuneiformes, Bd.l, Die Orts-und Gcwassemaaen der prasargonischen und
                         sargonischen Zeit, D.O. Edzard, G. Farber, E. Solberger 1977 Bd. 2, Die Orts-und Gcwasser-
                         naaen der 3.Dynastic von Ur, D.O. Edzard and G. Farber, 1974; Bd.3, Die Orts-und Gcwasser-
                         naaen der altbabylonischen Zeit, B. Groneberg, 1980.  4. G. Pettinato, Testi Lessicali MonolinRul
                         della Biblioteca L. 2769.Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla 3, Naples 1981 p.389
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