Page 192 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                     which they cannot woll go from Busshier; it’s an even ohnneo that they  are
                     dashed to piece9 upon the Rooks; and if we were able to supply them with
                     Goods upon the Continent not a man of them would over purchase of the
                     Dutch; and their sohoraos of that Island must of course bo totally translated.
                     But the HQn’blo Company have not (according to tho best of my judgement)
                    anything near a sufficient force in the Gulph to render an undertaking of this
                     kind advisable, for notwithstanding tho Meer of Bundoriok migh make all
                    the fair promises that could bo desired, yet his word cannot bo depended
                    upon ; and it’s hardly to be doubted that ho would throw many Impediments
                    in our way through tho Instigation of tho Dutch before tho work is half
                    finished, unless wo have, at least such a vossol as the Swallow with 200 able
                    men; and a couple of Callivats properly mann’d to lie in tho River;
                    and tho Arabs may see that we have power to resent au Injury and Carry
                    on our designs in spight of all opposition ; in which case tho Meer would also
                    yield his assistance and the Building bo accomplish’d botweon the months of
                    April and September provided timber and stores were ready prepared and a
                    proper person appointed to oversee and direct the Work.
                        I have already communicated my reasons for leaving Bunderick ; which
                    I still believe to be by far the most proper part of the Gulph to settle in, but
                    even there (while tho Kingdom of Persia continues in this state of confusion
                    and Anarchy). I can’t pretend to give your Worship any great hopes of
                    advantage, and as the winter is now at hand nothing could be done with
                    regard to settling supposing yoVi had a force equal to what I have mentioned
                    until the latter end of March, as to the expence of building a commodious
                    and defensible house at Bunderick, I think it might be done for twelve or
                    fourteen thousand Rupees; and had not the murder of Meer Hussain un-
                    luokily prevented me, I dare say, I should have finished that which I had
                    began for much less ; your W°r &ct, will be able to judge of the annual
                    charges of such a factory from my account of Expenses during the time I
                    resided there.
                                                  I am with the greatest Respeot,
                                                     Right Worshpful Sir,
                                               Your most obedient humble Servant,
                                                     PRANCIS WOOD.
                       December 6th 1756.


                                    Public Depabtment Diaby No. 30—1757.
                                        Bombay Cattle, 6th January 1757.
       Gombioon,       The letter from the Agent was under the 7th ultimo, advising his last
       L. from.
       Abandonment of   respeots came per Dragon and oh the 27th November his Reel of our com­
       tbe prejected ex­
       pedition egainat   mands p. Dheenix Sloop which vessel he despatched the next day to Bussorah.
       Sender Rig end   He advised his hopes that the gross purchase of Carmenia wool this year
                   wou’d be 10,000 Maunds. That he had to that time received 2,680 Maunds,
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