Page 193 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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l.QSO of which ho forwarded per Hector aud tho remaining 900 now by the
Swallow. That he had remitted the linguist since the 29th of September
32,000 Rupees, tou thousand on account of this years investment and tho rest
for tho ensuing ouo ; The whole advance on account of this years investment
being Shaheos 822,307. He mentioned his apprehensions, that a refusal to
take tho black sort of wool, wou’d be attended with bad consequences, as the
Dutch made no exceptions to any colour, and used every means in their power,
to engross the whole investment. That no oolour in the Medley cloths was
particularly subject to mildew, but different colours in different bales, proved
damaged. He took notice of what ho had found damaged in those reolr by the
Houghton and Hector. That he learnt from Mr. Shaw the Basliau of Bagdad had
granted him a Phirmaund to take off the heavy anchorage charge on all ships at
Bussoraand the same to tho French Resident, who in return had made a present
of six thousand Cruz, which imprudence Mr. Shaw was apprehensive, wou’d
oblige him to be at the like expense. That ho had proposed to the Agent continu
ing to levy the same anchorage duty as the Government did till the amount
which ho hoped to reduce to 4,000 Cruz, was discharged, in reply to which, the
Agent had informed him he should write for our directions. lie enclosed
Mr. Shaw’s answer, respecting what he wrote tho Hon’ble Company about
Bunderika, also Mr. Wood’s Letter, advising his Reasons for not demanding
satisfaction of the Shaiks of Congoon & Bundereke; who having no further
hopes of making any settlement in the Gulph returned with Mr. Hughes in the
Swallow. The Mr. Wood in his Account Current with the Agency had charg’d
10,069 shashees for tho losses ho sustained when lie was forc’d from Bundereke Account* between
Shaw and Wood.
tho allowing of which sum he referred to us; That on comparing the said
Account with the Books of the Agency, he found that he had only given
Bussorah Residency credit for 4,000 Rupees, whereas Mr. Shaw had debted
Bundereke Factory for 6,000. That he had called upon Mr. Wood to account
for the deficiency and enclosed his answer. That the linguist had examined
the Persian writing mentioned therein, and found by the indorsement, the Rec.
of only 4,000 Rupees acknowledged : That the Agent had informed Mr. Wood
of the Paragraph of our Commands under 30** October, and as in his letter,
under tho 18th following He expressed his fears, that the Dutch would engross
the whole trade of Bundereke unless the Hon’ble Company wou’d build a
defensible House there. Tho Agent had enquired of him the best method to
be taken for that purpose, whose answer he enclosed, also an invoice and Bill
of lading for Sundries shipt’on the Swallow amounting to Shahees 160,263-3.
That the Bundereke detachment of soldiers returned by this conveyance.
Poblic Dept. Diary No. 80—1757.
Bombay Castle, 13th December 1757.
Imported the Dragon Captain Richard Moore, from Bussorah and
Gombroon by whom received a Letter from the Agent at the latter place, 1#Maf
dated tho 23rd ultimo, advising that the wool Investment went on so well thatMulla
he was in hopes this year gross Purchase wou’d be twelve thousand Maunda, !«&▼*» Gombroon fJr
of which he had then received 3,670, which added to his last Years Remains uESS* 0tt#I
257 8 F. D.