Page 272 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 272
ArMcc being just now broi- me that it is possible tlio Chaub “ay mke
A in tlie Night time to burn the Fanny Snow knowing that if she
f „ Ikt Batrak Factory Diary No. m of 1764-65for 1-U nay> ^
sora° atten I lUo Captain Bashaws Gallivats as ho pleases wrote a
I5; [o Ca ta^ Parkinson to give him notice thereof & in order that he
Letter bv >< bjthcr to beware of the Chaubs Gallivats who may ;Q 6 vht send directions on his People to be on their Guard.
D1'S This afternoon Mulna Hossein waited on me again on the Subject of our
"attack them on a supposition that we are going to assi8t
•stance when Captain Parkison being present be desir’d to know in what
^Another Copy thereof be sent to with a Letter to th#
flSS1 he wou’d have the Fanny valued and the Risk secur’d to his owners,
tion with Karim # manner cost him about 20,000 R-.Br when the other proposing to
Kb’”' B6STe Shred Basheeoame with orders from the Mussaleem to eSamina 4 who replyM that slio ?
pass an obligation to Captain Parkison in the Mussaleem s Name for that
. v at the Kapalamas as deposited hy Hodjee Eusuph which were shown him
amount it was agreed to hy him & as to tho consideration to be given him
7 fter taking some Memorandums of their dates &c JL. went away.
for his trouble he trusts to the Honor of tho Mussaleem to allow him what is
° By a Chogueda arriv’d this day from Bagdat there is news that the
Customary except in case any Gallivats or Boats belongiug to the Chaub
Captain. Bashaw is displaced, that post given again to Hastafa Bashaw.
shou’d be taken that then he demands Is. of the value exclusive of what he is to
Yesterday the Mussaleem went to Maygill to have an interview with the
have for his trouble upon which Capti Tarkison withdrew, Mulna Hossein
Montipih Shaik and did. not ..return till 10 at Night, nothing as yet transpir es
i then deliver’d a Letter much to the same purport as the Kia’s & took this
concerning the Council they had together but its the Opinion of every Body
occasion to assure me that the affair at Bagdat wou’d terminate greatly to my
their Meeting, was held ,in consequonoe of Carem Cauns having sent his
satisfaction. That the Mussalcom had about 3,000 Musquet Men ready to go
People here lately to demand the Chaub’s money and effects which they learn against the Chaub as soon as the Barratalys expected from Bagdat arriv’d they
ii was deposited, with the Montipih Shaft. * Several of Carem Caun's Forces came were to March & the Vessells to move down the River at the same time, and
in sight of Minac this Day to the no., of .near 800 on the other side the River,
proceed afterwards as circumstances might admit with regard to the attack
but are not come over it as yet; the Captain Bashaws Gallivat are now fitted
& expressing that tho Mussaleem was desirous of going on Board the Fanny
to go against the Chaub, the best they make a most miserable figure
to see her & that I wou’d accompany him he withdrew after being assur’d
& seem very little capable of action. that I won’t meet him & that every tiling sliou’d ho conducted as he desir’d.
It is well known the Chaub at present shelters himself at an Island below
There being a Chegucdar to set out in tho Even_fr for Bagdat wrote
the River call’d Dwiack and every Body conjectures he will defend himself there Mjl Lyster in reply to Mjl Garden’s letter as follows—
till absolute .necessity obliges him to fly, in which case it is said he has already Several of the people belonging to the Captain Bashaws Galleys went last
secur’d an Asylum for himself & his People where the Caun’s Forces cannot Night to the Mussaleem to complain that they had neither Pay nor Provisions
follow him. from the Captain Bashaw altho’ Order’d upon the Expedition ; this caus’d some
During these Commotions little or no Business can he transacted in enquiry to Day when the Capt-JL Bashaw being at the Serai declar’d to the
Town; No money to be had, & those that have any are afraid to show it, the Mussaleem he wou’d hold his Post no longer upon which Mustafa Bashaw was
Governm_L demands being very very great at present to support their Charges appointed agreeable to the orders from Bagdat in his Stead and being vested
so that there is an entire stagnation to all Trade. with a Sable Courk at the Serai in the usual manner went immediately &
Came in anothor Qheguedah from Bagdat with a Letter from Mr. Garden took on himself that Charge ; The Linguists being sent with the Agents
and one from Mr. Lyster the former to advise his arriva there the 20th & Compliments of Congratulation on the above occasion were rece’d with great
Gfri.r.'dL^t.r themanner°f kis reception with all to acquaint Us of the request of the marks of Politeness and vested with two Caraceas.
Bashaw.t0 assist him gainst the Chaub with such English Vessells as may V, -fews;is jiiatnow brought that the Comi Forces to the number of 5,000 Movement, of
beattbis P°rt> t5*at they were sending from Bagdat. 6 or 600 Barratalys to Cioss d the River at a place call’d Meezza & had got possession of aKarim Khan’»
i°mtl'e Cauns Forces, & that the Bashaw had given full authority to the Granary belonging to the Chaub. kZZ against th*
Tuijts igtinit the ^ussa^eeiH to treat with the Agent on the proper measures to be pursued on this There being a report that an English Vessell was came into this River a
Hamal was
I! Parkhwm? vessel cca9ion also to indemnify the Commanders from any risk & to allow them
ii • Jr w.r,nr “so a Lo,i'r ,o ““ comm"fe im ■“*
a consideration for their trouble. Recc’d a Letter from the Kia to the above 12 Gallivats account of her & reports that the Chaub has
effect strenuously urging th e Bashaw’s request in respect to our Vessells pr on Board of which he has put his Women & Effects now lying
rising that the * the entrance which has entirely stopped the
: n , Commissions Mr. Garden was charged with would be that three of the Gallivats were communication to Bassora &
lingnesa to^l d.°ubting to reoe^Q in the interim the good News of our to Shaik Dervis’s employ’d in doing all the mischief they can
country burning and destroying all the Villa:
Imm d T ^ BaS.hw as he had aerfrU. River Sid e & carrying off their women &c a Effects. ges near the
to acquaint M rece^fc the above sent the Linguists to the ^
chose it & tkatV^ 1 W°U’d C0Ilfer with him on tbese AfTaris ^^vico *»
I soon:as he n]M C!P Varkison’8 Vessel was ready to go on their. eerT w ^ f erardS rTd tbe Natalys arriv’d this Day from Ba-di w
Plea8ed as before agreed on. L-